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NetBackup Job Hanging

Level 5
We have been having some issues with job hanging within NetBackup.  We are running 6.5.1 on a Windows machine.  We believe it is a problem with NetBackup because we see an active pid within NetBackup but when we check using process explorer we find no such pid running within windows.  So the pid is not getting any CPU.  Is there some log file or a way to clear cache to fix this issue?  Our fix thus far is to restart the master server and that clears out the pid.  If there another way of doing this so we do not have to restart when this happens.  We have tried using bpdbjobs command to kill or cancel the job and that has not worked for us so far. 



Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Do you have checkpoint restart enabled in the policy? Are other clients in the same policy behaving in the same way?  What are you backing up? A directory or System State ?


Level 5
I do not know what checkpoint restart does.  How do I find this setting?  What benefits does this give me?  It is backing up a directory and there is only 1 machine in the policy. 

Level 6
Check point enables allows you to suspend and resume your job rather than just restart them all over again...just double click the policy and see if take check point every seconds is enabled

as for your problem.. check if you have enough space is drive which you have installed netbackup... have you tried recycling netbackup services.. along with PBX

Level 5
Checkpoints is checked for every 15 mintues.  I have checked free space on the drive and that is fine.  How do I recycle netbackup services along with PBX?  How does that help me?

   VIP    Certified
to stop NBU on windows machine run:
to start it back
These commands are located in the:

Level 3
We had a simlar problem with PIDS that appeared to hang in that they did not clear before the next job could start. We decided that the quickest option for us was to upgrade the Master and Media servers.

Level 5
This is all great info.  We are definitely looking at upgrading to 6.53 in the future.  My problem still is if a job pid is hung how can I kill it within netbackup and keep other backups running?  I believe if I do a bpdown and bpup on the master server that will kill all backups that are currently running?  Maybe I am wrong?  Is there any kind of process or workaround to kill jobs where the pid is still active in netbackup and not in windows?  It seems to me there has to be some way to do so.  Like a clear cache command within NetBackup or a log file somewhere?

Level 6
go to <installpath?\bin\

and fire bpps command..

can you paste output here.. have you tried finding process handle and try killing in through procexp.exe.. ?

Level 6
go to <installpath?\bin\

and fire bpps command..

can you paste output here.. have you tried finding process handle and try killing in through procexp.exe.. ?