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Netbackup 6.5 Restore Error

Level 3
Hi All,

I'm trying to restore a folder from linux system Red hat 2.6
Backups happend from same server - Its a windows box win 2003 std.

Have kept the media in library, took the inventory and started the restore job - nothing happens, following is seen in the detailed status of restore job:
 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
  Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
  Media ID: 6142L3, Barcode: WV6142L3, Density: hcart3, Access Mode: Read,
  Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
  Volume Group: ---, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A

Please help.

Thank you,

Level 3
In the Device Monitor section, there will be a pending item that has to be re-submitted so that the restore can take place.

Level 6

If using the gui what does the column "State Details" say - this will tell you why something is not doing what you think it should.

Level 3

Thank you,
With above help, I could proceed further with this restore
The tape is read but no restore done. Below are the details:

24/03/2009 10:14:29 - begin Restore
24/03/2009 10:14:32 - 1 images required
24/03/2009 10:14:33 - media 6142L3 required
24/03/2009 10:14:39 - restoring image israel_1234044023
24/03/2009 10:14:47 - connecting
24/03/2009 10:14:49 - started process bptm (776)
24/03/2009 10:14:49 - mounting 6142L3
24/03/2009 10:14:47 - requesting resource 6142L3
24/03/2009 10:14:47 - granted resource 6142L3
24/03/2009 10:14:47 - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003
24/03/2009 10:14:52 - connected; connect time: 00:00:05
24/03/2009 10:15:31 - mounted; mount time: 00:00:42
24/03/2009 10:15:33 - positioning 6142L3 to file 118
24/03/2009 10:16:29 - positioned 6142L3; position time: 00:00:56
24/03/2009 10:16:35 - begin reading
24/03/2009 10:16:49 - restored image israel_1234044023 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 00:02:10
24/03/2009 10:16:52 - Warning bprd(pid=19460) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 07/02/2010 22:00:23
24/03/2009 10:16:53 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:02:24
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)


Please help,
Thank you.

Level 3

Restore is being done from the same media server
Have checked the bp.conf and host entries on client linux box - all okay

what next please..??

Level 3
The restore process is starting doing what it should be doing (positioning tape, reading.).  With the status code 5 being issued, this could mean different things.  What is the Problems log stating? 

Level 6
You know when you start the restore from the BAR, it ask if you want to view - so from the view with verbose on, what info does that log show - as that give more info as to the issue then the log from the activity monitor.