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Netbackup Status 800 Robotic Library is not Defined in EMM

Level 4

Hello, i had a other thread about another issue for some time ago but we solved that issue

However this popped up now instead been trying to fix it during the summer vacations but i think i need some help.

I Get Status code 191 also but i assume this is because of the Status 800:

8/3/2015 8:10:20 AM - begin Duplicate
8/3/2015 8:10:21 AM - requesting resource bup01-TL4000
8/3/2015 8:10:21 AM - Error nbjm(pid=3140) NBU status: 800, EMM status: The robotic library is not defined in EMM
8/3/2015 8:10:21 AM - Error nbjm(pid=3140) NBU status: 800, EMM status: The robotic library is not defined in EMM
8/3/2015 8:10:28 AM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 00:00:08
resource request failed(800)

I have been reading up on the issue and it seems its a pathing issue somewhere? but im not sure where to look,


First one all. One Media server, One robot but two tapes. Windows 2003 R2 ( We are trying to convince the finance department to upgrade ) Netbackup 7.5

Stuff i have tried:
Shutdown the server, remove all tapes from the drives and reboot the robot / server, and repeated that step while inserting the tapes.
Did an robot inventory so all tapes are up to date.

I Found this however im unsure where to type this command or know what information to look into, basically i feel stuck and im very very new with Netbackup in general in the NBUI where i can see the error code i can also check the built in Troubleshooter where i get

Locate the EMM reason string, correct the problem, and rerun the job.
Some generic EMM reason strings (such as Disk volume is down) may require generating some reports to determine the cause of the failure. Generate the report by using either bperror or various log entry reports, such as Reports > Disk Reports > Disk Logs in the NetBackup Administration Console.

And it sounds simple enough but as i stated i have no clue what to look for here aswell.

Im only at this office 3 times a week but i will try to answer / Troubleshoot as much as possible, Thanks for the help


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



Your problem is that you're using a DSSU (Disk staging storage unit) and its referring to a storage unit that is not configured anymore. If you check the storage unit called DISK_STAGING's properties you'll find that in the schedule section its referring to igsest1bup01-TL4000 but we don't see that robot (TLD0) configured in the output of tpconfig -l.


It was probabably removed/replaced and you now have TLD1 with storage unit igsest1bup01-hcart3-robot-tld-1. You can use the new storage unit in the disk staging schedule.


Alternatively it could be the same type of issue but in an SLP. If the scenario above doesn't apply you can post


nbstl -L

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

PLease tell us more about the duplication job. Is it part of an SLP? Or is it a manual duplication.


Please post

master server name

media server name

bppllist "policy name" -L

nbstl "slp name' -L

and the bptm log for the time frmae 8/3/2015 8:10:21 AM as an attachment to the post

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
In addition to info requested by Riaan, tell us more about bup01-TL4000 config. Is bup01 master/media server or separate media server? Show us output of : bpstulist -U tpconfig -l Does the robot number in STU config and device config match. My guess is that you have reconfigured the devices that may have added the robot number as 1 but STU config is still pointing to robot 0. Output of above commands will confirm.

Level 4

For some reason i changed the name to just bup01-TL4000 when i posted but the fullname is abit different,i was just slightly paranoid i gues so the proper full name is igsest1bup01-TL4000
Sorry for the massive wall of text that will appear now:

Master server: igsest1bup01.dom.oad.lcl

Lets see, i will start with the commands:

C:\Program Files\VERITAS>bppllist FPS05_HDD -l
CLASS FPS05_HDD *NULL* 0 750000 0 *NULL*
INFO 13 0 0 4 *NULL* 0 0 2147483647 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1354874613 0BE35DE6279C4
FED9C351E58FA4CF5BE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 7 0 0 0
POOL Windows_Clienter NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup NetBacku
p NetBackup NetBackup NetBackup
FOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CLIENT PC WindowsNET 0 0 0 0 *NULL*
SCHED Full 0 2 432000 4 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 2 0 0 0 -1 0 0
SCHEDWIN 0 25200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79800 6600 0 21600
SCHEDRL 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SCHEDFOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SCHED Incremental 4 5 86400 3 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
SCHEDWIN 0 0 0 0 7200 22200 7200 22200 7200 22200 7200 22200 0 0
SCHEDRL 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SCHEDFOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



C:\Program Files\VERITAS>bpstulist -U

Label:                igsest1bup01-TL4000
Storage Unit Type:    Media Manager
Host Connection:      igsest1bup01.dom.oad.lcl
Number of Drives:     2
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        4
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB

Label:                igsest1bup01-hcart3-robot-tld-1
Storage Unit Type:    Media Manager
Host Connection:      igsest1bup01.dom.oad.lcl
Number of Drives:     2
On Demand Only:       no
Max MPX/drive:        1
Density:              hcart3 - 1/2 Inch Cartridge 3
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 1
Max Fragment Size:    1048576 MB

Label:                DISK_STAGING
Storage Unit Type:    Disk
Storage Unit Subtype: Basic (1)
Host Connection:      igsest1bup01.dom.oad.lcl
Concurrent Jobs:      4
On Demand Only:       yes
Max MPX:              1
Path:                 "F:\STAGING"
Max Fragment Size:    2000 MB
Stage data:           yes
Block Sharing:        no
High Water Mark:      90
Low Water Mark:       60
Ok On Root:           no

Label:                OFFSITE_DISK_STAGING
Storage Unit Type:    Disk
Storage Unit Subtype: Basic (1)
Host Connection:      igsest1bup01.dom.oad.lcl
Concurrent Jobs:      4
On Demand Only:       yes
Max MPX:              1
Path:                 "F:\OFFSITE"
Max Fragment Size:    2000 MB
Stage data:           yes
Block Sharing:        no
High Water Mark:      90
Low Water Mark:       50
Ok On Root:           no



C:\Program Files\VERITAS>tpconfig -l
Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive                Device

Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name                 Path

robot      1    -    TLD    -       -  -          -                    {2,0,0,1}

  drive    -    1 hcart3    2      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD3.001  {3,0,0,0}

  drive    -    2 hcart3    1      UP  -          IBM.ULT3580-TD3.002  {2,0,0,0}


Basically im really new with this so im abit unsure how i can verify the STU Config/Device Config match as marianne mentioned.Not to sure what nbstl "slp name' -L not sure what the SLP name is.

The Media should be same as Master Server, atleast what i can find in our previous logs / Anyway i can confirm this?
and the bptm log for the time frmae 8/3/2015 8:10:21 AM as an attachment to the post

Do you mean when checking it from the Grafical UI or any type of command to see it?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



Your problem is that you're using a DSSU (Disk staging storage unit) and its referring to a storage unit that is not configured anymore. If you check the storage unit called DISK_STAGING's properties you'll find that in the schedule section its referring to igsest1bup01-TL4000 but we don't see that robot (TLD0) configured in the output of tpconfig -l.


It was probabably removed/replaced and you now have TLD1 with storage unit igsest1bup01-hcart3-robot-tld-1. You can use the new storage unit in the disk staging schedule.


Alternatively it could be the same type of issue but in an SLP. If the scenario above doesn't apply you can post


nbstl -L

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

As per my previous post and pointed out by Riaan -

Your robot number in device config is 1.
robot      1  

The robot number in Storage Unit config is 0.:

Label:                igsest1bup01-TL4000
Robot Type/Number:    TLD / 0


Either delete the STU and recreate it or else modify attributes to select robot 1. 

Level 4

This sounds great, im back in the office at wednesday so i will have a chat with my boss and inform him that we need to do these changes and i will update whenever i can hopefully at wednesday!

Thanks for the help and i will update whenever i can.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You should NOT wait until Wednesday.  

You need to fix STU config right away. 
This STU will be unusable and all backups and/or duplications to this STU will fail if not fixed.

Level 4

If i understand how to make this to a solution:  Storage tab > Storage Units > DISK_STAGING: Staging Schedule and change the Final Destination Storage unit to igsest1bup01-hcart3-robot-tld-1


Marianne: Either delete the STU and recreate it or else modify attributes to select robot 1. 

Is there another way to modify attributes i assume im not supposed to poke into the policies and at this point it should be enough to modify them only throu Storage in the Netbackup Admin console

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

No need to delete anything. The Tape Storage unit (igsest1bup01-hcart3-robot-tld-1) is already there, you must just update the disk staging schedule to use it. Currently its set to igsest1bup01-TL4000

Level 4

Sorry for the late response, but this works now! Thanks alot, backup have been w/o issue since wednesday so thanks for the help Riaan and Marianne


i just had to change the Tape storage until like you mentioned

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
