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Can anyone help me.

I am very new to Netbackup. I have deleted the media from standalone and I could not get it back.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Did you have backups on the tape?

How did you about to delete it? Did yo expire it first?

Do you need to get the backups back?

If the tape is not overwritten, you can import the tape. This is a lengthy process that takes at least as long as the backups.

To re-add the tape to NBU, insert it in the drive and run this command to 'physically inventory' the tape in the drive (assuming you have only one tape drive and it's index number is 0):

<install-path>\volmgr\bin\vmphyinv -u 0

This command will read the internal label and re-add it to the volume database in EMM.

Next, follow this TN to perform phase 1 and 2 import:

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi, This is the step to step to this:

    * Verify that there are no images on the tape
          o bpimmedia -mediaid 000687 -L
    * Expire the tape
          o bpexpdate -ev 000687 -d 0 -host scorpius -force
    * Get the status and pool number of the tape
          o vmquery -m 000687
    * Deassign the tape
          o vmquery -deassignbyid <media id> <pool number> <status code from vmquery -m>
          o vmquery -deassignbyid 000687 4 0x0
    * Delete the tape
          o vmdelete -m 000687


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Another new list member who posted once and never came back to check for replies.... crying