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One drive not working..

Level 6



I have a fairly small setup with Single master server cum media server (linux) and running NBU on it.


My problem is it has two drives but at a time only one drive gets functional,the other shows no signs of error but doesn't picks up the media and in detailed status tab of job it shows "no drives available".


Any suggestions ?




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

How many concurrent drives specified in Storage Unit Properties?

Please show us output of :
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstulist -L


Level 6

two concurrent drives specified..


Level 6

sorry..missed this for you :


Label:                server-hcart3-robot-tld-0
Storage Unit Type:    Media Manager
Host Connection:      server
Number of Drives:     2
On Demand Only:       no
Density:              hcart3 (20)
Robot Type/Number:    TLD (8) / 0
Max Fragment Size:    1048575
Max MPX/drive:        4

Label:                server-MSDP
Storage Unit Type:    Disk
Media Subtype:        DiskPool (6)
Host Connection:      server
Concurrent Jobs:      50
On Demand Only:       no
Robot Type:           (not robotic)
Max Fragment Size:    51200
Max MPX:              1
Block Sharing:        yes
File System Export:   yes
Ok On Root:           no
Disk Pool:            server-MSDP

Level 6

Make sure both drives' density type are set to HCART3 , as configured in your storage unit.

Check also if there is any allocation is holding one of the drives : nbrbutil -dump | grep <drive_name_that_did_not_get_used>

If there is something returned, wait for a time when no job is running, run nbrbutil -resetAll and try again.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Is this related to you SLP post?

Have you previously been able to use both drives concurrently?
If so, nbrbutil will tell us if there is an orphaned allocation for a tape or media. (I have seen how orphaned media allocation will automatically assume one tape drive and so reduce number of available drives.)

Please run 'nbrbutil -dump' and post 'MDS Allocation' section of output. 

Level 6

Marraine ..yes ..kind of.. i wasn't sure if i could combine drive n SLP issue in one forum so i created seperate ones. i don't know but i have a feeling that it may something with the multiplex setting of drives/media or something or combination of these..may be some combination is not pretty working out well.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Seems you have queued jobs with "no drives available" as reason, right? This means NBU knows there is more than one tape drive and there are enough jobs to write to both drives.

Have you seen second part of my previous post? 


Have you previously been able to use both drives concurrently?
If so, nbrbutil will tell us if there is an orphaned allocation for a tape or media. (I have seen how orphaned media allocation will automatically assume one tape drive and so reduce number of available drives.)

Please run 'nbrbutil -dump' and post 'MDS Allocation' section of output.