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OpenVMS Client

Level 6
We have 550 Windows clients and 8 Windows Engineers and 1 OpenVMS server and 2 VMS Engineers; go figure. Anyway, my boss wants me to back up the VMS server through my Windows NetBackup server. Does anyone have any documentation on how to do this? I have the licenses I need but the VMS guys are really dragging their feet in assisting me with this because I'm sure they see the writing on the wall. I have managed to schedule some time with them to test this and I want to make it as simple as possible so I'm looking for as much documentation as I can on the OpenVMS client install. The OS version is 7.3-2 and it is an Alpha box. Can someone hook me up?


Level 6

I worked at a place long ago that had lots of OpenVms boxes, I backed it up using version 3.2, there were no restrictions when it came to licensing. The new versions need a license on the master. I recall it was a pain to install it on the VMS server because the VMS admin's like in your case he had to do to do it for me and he was just an old Main Framer type of guy if you know what I mean.

Look at this link. Get all the ammo together and call a meeting and say this is how you do it, then its on their plate and out of yours per say.



Level 4
we have a similar situation with the number of employees and the vms box. I didn't see you mention this but the vms installation does have its own installation cd. be sure you have this as well. unfortunately, i can't add much more than that. the policy we have for it is a "standard" policy with just "all local drives". apparently this works. Fortunately, our vms engineer installed the client and did his own configurations, testing, etc.

Level 6

If you read the link it does mention that vms needs it own CD in it a format that it can read, why say it twice, if you know what i mean.


Level 6
points rule, thanks.

I put you on my watch list.



Level 6
Keep coming through with the right answers and I'll keep hooking you up with the pionts. One quick question that might sound stupid but it's only out of ignorance. Will the CD say "VMS" on it? I have lots of install CDs and I don't know a thing about VMS. Does it fall under "Unix" or something like that?

Level 6

its not on the UNIX one I just looked, you have to log into Veritas and download it and with it come instructions.

3.x days the box of cd's came with the VMS client

your company should have a login ID to this web site.


Level 6

Randy is very generous with points and will probably invite you to come to a barBque whenever you happen to drop in at Houston :)

Level 6
That's not even an exaggeration. We all have those questions we're dying to ask the man upstairs when we get there; all the why's and how's. That's how I feel about NetBackup. I'd spring for steaks and beer just to sit down and have these burning questions answered. I'm getting to them one at a time though. The next one is about VSP; stick around.

Level 6
Randy Bob

Will trade for Beer food and fishing in the Gulf of Mexico...


Level 6
Leaving at 6:00 AM in the morning for a 12 hour trip. If you can get here in time, I'll save you a spot. No kidding.

Level 6
Doing the same thing, it's King Fish season!


Level 6
we're going after snapper sponsored and paid for, can't beat that :) I'm waiting to find out how long it takes a moderator to tell us to take this off line :) Let me know how you do.

Level 6
This one is not moderated, but maybe bob will yell at us! ;)

Bob has asked before.

What comany do you work for?


Level 6
Stewart Title. I don't know if this is going to get me a flood of spam but for you and Bob, in case you ever need to find out what I need help with :)