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RE:- Error 254 Unable to load information for netbackup storage units from pbh04backupsrv. Error status 254 : server name server name not found in netbackup configuration

Level 4
Hi All,

i am getting these error  while using netbackup 6.5 GUI.
"Unable to load  information for netbackup storage units from pbh04backupsrv. Error status 254 : server name  server name not found in netbackup configuration ???

These error i am getting when i am clicking on any one of the policies ..

CLI is showing information abt storage units but  gui isn't ????


pbh04backupsrv-B-hcart-robot-tld-0 2 pbh04backupsrv-B 8 0 6 4 0 "*NULL*" 1 1 1048576 *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 0 *NULL* pbh04backupsrv-B
pbh1406mediasrv-B-hcart-robot-tld-0 2 pbh1406mediasrv-B 8 0 6 4 0 "*NULL*" 1 1 1048576 *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 0 *NULL* pbh1406mediasrv-B

root@pbh04backupsrv # bpstulist -show_available

Label: pbh04backupsrv-B-hcart-robot-tld-0
Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
Host Connection: pbh04backupsrv-B
Number of Drives: 4
On Demand Only: yes
Density: hcart (6)
Robot Type/Number: TLD (8) / 0
Max Fragment Size: 1048576
Max MPX/drive: 1

Label: pbh1406mediasrv-B-hcart-robot-tld-0
Storage Unit Type: Media Manager
Host Connection: pbh1406mediasrv-B
Number of Drives: 4
On Demand Only: yes
Density: hcart (6)
Robot Type/Number: TLD (8) / 0
Max Fragment Size: 1048576
Max MPX/drive: 1

root@pbh04backupsrv # more /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = pbh04backupsrv-B
CLIENT_NAME = pbh04backupsrv
EMMSERVER = pbh04backupsrv-B
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
REQUIRED_INTERFACE = pbh04backupsrv-B
MEDIA_SERVER = pbh1406mediasrv-B

Whats the issue here ????


Level 6

Is this your master or your media server?

When you look at the host properties list in the GUI does it come up as a master or a media?

Make sure the server name appears in the "SERVERS" list of the master properties, if it is master or media, it should be in the top half,  if it is a media it should also appear in the bottom half.