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Restore NDMP shapshot/file by to different Netapp with different tape drive

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

Hi all ,


I am not sure where is limitation of recover NDMP file/snapshot to different Netapp. I am starting restore snapshots from Netapp Marie to Netapp RZFS201. Both Netapp have own tape drive and different library. I move needed medium from library marie to library rzfs201. Make inventory and started restore. The result is here.

Both Netapp are in the same Server Groups with Media Sharing status. What is different = Marie has library type HCART, rzfs201 has library type HCART2. Different is media pool, media owner and media group. I cannot change Media Owner ... error that host is no in EMM DB.  

Credential tested of both Netapps. The restore on Netapp by default /Marie to Marie, rzfs201 to rzfs201 is working/

May be limitation Media Owner ? May be limitation in HCART vs HCART2 ? 

Netapp OS is version 7.

First problem: Start snapshot restore


1/24/2012 11:36:45 AM - begin Restore
1/24/2012 11:36:46 AM - 2 images required
1/24/2012 11:36:46 AM - media 6523L4 required
1/24/2012 11:37:21 AM - restoring image marie_1327242818
1/24/2012 11:37:22 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=18836) rzfs201 is the host to restore to      
1/24/2012 11:37:22 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=18836) telling media manager to start restore on client     
1/24/2012 11:37:25 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=19804) rzfs201 is the host to restore to      
1/24/2012 11:37:25 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=19804) cannot retrieve NDMP credentials for host rzfs201, error = 254   
1/24/2012 11:37:25 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=18836) child done, status 25         
1/24/2012 11:37:25 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=18836) sending message to media manager: STOP RESTORE marie_1327242818     
1/24/2012 11:42:23 AM - Error bptm(pid=8848) ndmp_open_and_auth() failed, return code 104        
1/24/2012 11:42:23 AM - Error bptm(pid=8848) abnormal exit, but EXIT_Status == 0       
1/24/2012 11:42:23 AM - Info bptm(pid=8848) EXITING with status 174 <----------        
1/24/2012 11:42:23 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=18836) got ERROR 0 from media manager       
1/24/2012 11:53:22 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:16:37
cannot connect on socket(25)


Second problem: Start file /DAR/ restore

1/25/2012 9:24:31 AM - begin Restore
1/25/2012 9:24:32 AM - 1 images required
1/25/2012 9:24:32 AM - media 6523L4 required
1/25/2012 9:24:36 AM - restoring image
1/25/2012 9:24:37 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=8764) rzfs201 is the host to restore to      
1/25/2012 9:24:37 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=8764) telling media manager to start restore on client     
1/25/2012 9:24:39 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=4844) rzfs201 is the host to restore to      
1/25/2012 9:24:43 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=4844) start tar32 on client         
1/25/2012 9:24:43 AM - Info tar32(pid=3548) Restore started.           
1/25/2012 9:24:43 AM - connected
1/25/2012 9:24:44 AM - requesting resource 6523L4
1/25/2012 9:25:05 AM - awaiting resource 6523L4 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
     Operator action may be required. Pending Action: No action.,
     Media ID: 6523L4, Barcode: 026523L4, Density: hcart, Access Mode: Read,
     Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: N/A, Robot Number: N/A, Robot Type: NONE,
     Volume Group: 001_00002_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A


Master Windows 2008,,

Media server is master server: Media server for rzfs201 /only one tape drive is connected to rzfs201/.

The same media server is for marie /only one tape drive is connected to rzfs201

Many thansk for advice where I have mistake



Accepted Solutions

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

So, I contacted support of Symantec.... solution is change type of medium. In old library I used HCART and new library work with HCART2. By vmchange command I changed HCART to HCART2 for needed medium and it works.



View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

You wont be able to use the media HCART written on storage unit (Marie) HCART, in the storage unit HCART2. Simply not the same according to NetBackup.

Level 6

This socket error points more to be a communication issue between your media and the filer, have you setup the corresponding access rights for your media server in to the filer?

try this from the media server:

tpautoconf -probe <filer>

tpautoconf -verify <filer>


The HCART difference is an issue but your need to be able to communicate with the filer before you can see the drives.

Level 4
Partner Accredited Certified

So, I contacted support of Symantec.... solution is change type of medium. In old library I used HCART and new library work with HCART2. By vmchange command I changed HCART to HCART2 for needed medium and it works.



Level 4

You can change the density using vmchange but you should not be able to restore info from one filler to another from other company since they have diffferent ways to get the data backed up. The encryption used is different between the fillers.