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Restore error

Level 5

I am getting lots of restore errors with a status code of 2826:

01/02/2013 10:13:51 - Info bpbrm(pid=3760) got ERROR 85 from media manager      
01/02/2013 10:13:51 - Info bpbrm(pid=3760) terminating bpbrm child 4672 jobid=150113       
01/02/2013 10:13:51 - restored image ukyfp1_1359245620 - (media read error(85)); restore time 00:01:41
01/02/2013 10:13:51 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:02:22
invalid error number(2826)
01/02/2013 10:13:51 - Info tar32(pid=7788) done. status: 0         
01/02/2013 10:13:52 - Info tar32(pid=7788) done. status: 0 - the requested operation was successfully completed  

When looking through the bptm logs I find the following:

09:09:46.331 [3052.2992] <2> establish_decryption_key: next block encryption status: LON 0x000000000120f52b, algorithm index 1, encryption status 0x1

09:09:48.235 [3052.2992] <2> read_data: ReadFile returned FALSE, The media is write protected. (19);bytes = 0
09:09:48.235 [3052.2992] <2> is_possible_recoverable_error: not attempting error recovery, errno = 19

Backups are encrypted using KMS

Netbackup version is running on Windows 2008 R2


Any help would be much appreciated


Partner    VIP    Certified

hi ,


Recreate Key Management Service Option (KMS) encryption key needed for restore of this tape.

please check the below tech note


see the below tech note for encryption key creation

Level 5
Is there a way to check what key the restore is trying to use to decrypt the tape?

Partner    VIP    Certified


below is what i find from encritption guide



Recover a key
To recover a key, use the NetBackup Key Management Service (KMS) utility
command (the nbkmsutil command) with the included arguments.
# nbkmsutil -help -recoverkey
nbkmsutil -recoverkey -keyname <key_name>
-kgname <key_group_name>
-tag <key_tag>
[ -desc <description> ]
Note: The key state would be set to inactive.
The restore could fail if a key that is used in encrypting the backup data is lost
(and no copy of it is available). These keys can be recovered (re-created) with the
knowledge of the original key's attributes (tag and passphrase)
-keyname     Specifies the name of the key to be recovered (re-created).
-kgname       Specifies the name of the key group to which this key should belong.
-tag       Specifies the tag that identifies the original key (we need to use the
same tag).
Note: The user is prompted to enter the correct passphrase to get the right key
(the system does not verify the validity of entered passphrases).

Level 5
I have changed all of the keys and re-run all the backups. When restoring I am still seeing the 2826 error. It looks like the restore is usiung the incorrect key to restore the data. Is there a way to check to see which key is being used for the restore?