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SharePoint 2007 non granular exit with error 13

Level 3

Two node master server running on RedHat Linux, with two Win 2008 R2 media servers (MSDP).

SharePoint 2007 SP2 and SQL 2008

Our granular backups are successful but non-granular exit half way with error status code 13.

I've seen a similar problem with SharePoint 2010 and error code 13 and rebooted the SharePoint enviroment, but without much luck (


I wonder if this a policy issue, as we're not excluding anything with non-granular backups, see also:


Above document mentions to exclude: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Web Application name\Index-DB*

However, instead of Index-DB I see several Content-DB files. Do these need to be excluded??


Level 3

Forgot to mention that we're using a federated backup structure where only the front-end server of the SharePoint farm is specified in the non-granular policy, whereupon the rest of the SharePoing servers & files are resolved and backed up.

- serversql01

- serverwss01 (front-end server)

- serverwss02

- serverindex01

9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - Info nbjm(pid=29211) starting backup job (jobid=242217) for client serverwss01, policy SharePoint-NON-GRT, schedule Full 
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - Info nbjm(pid=29211) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=242217, request id:{464DD4A4-FB78-11E1-B80A-4E3A520BFEE0}) 
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - requesting resource STU-DATACENTER-PD
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - requesting resource masterserver01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.serverwss01
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - requesting resource masterserver01.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.SharePoint-NON-GRT
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - granted resource masterserver01.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.serverwss01
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - granted resource masterserver01.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.SharePoint-NON-GRT
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaaz;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=DP-PD-Datacenter;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer...
9/10/2012 8:49:39 PM - granted resource STU-DATACENTER-PD
9/10/2012 8:49:40 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
9/10/2012 8:49:40 PM - Info nbjm(pid=29211) started backup job for client serverwss01, policy SharePoint-NON-GRT, schedule Full on storage unit STU-DATACENTER-PD
9/10/2012 8:49:40 PM - started process bpbrm (8088)
9/10/2012 8:49:45 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8088) serverwss01 is the host to backup data from    
9/10/2012 8:49:45 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8088) reading file list from client       
9/10/2012 8:49:45 PM - connecting
9/10/2012 8:49:48 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=8088) starting bpbkar32 on client        
9/10/2012 8:49:48 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=6068) Backup started          
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info bptm(pid=5748) start           
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info bptm(pid=5748) using 524288 data buffer size       
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info bptm(pid=5748) setting receive network buffer to 262144 bytes     
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info bptm(pid=5748) using 64 data buffers        
9/10/2012 8:49:52 PM - Info mediaserver02.domain.local(pid=5748) Using OpenStorage client direct to backup from client serverwss01 to mediaserver02.domain.local 
9/10/2012 8:50:39 PM - begin writing
9/10/2012 9:01:19 PM - Warning bpbrm(pid=8088) from client serverwss01: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Search\Search instance\Search-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Search_Help3)\WSS_Search_Help3 (BEDS 0xE000035F: The SQL Server backup interface has reported a problem. Further details can be found in the job log. Restarting the SQL Server service or the server may correct the problem.)
9/10/2012 9:14:19 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=6068) bpbkar waited 13625 times for empty buffer, delayed 17379 times.  
9/10/2012 9:14:35 PM - Info mediaserver02.domain.local(pid=5748) StorageServer=PureDisk:mediaserver02.domain.local; Report=PDDO Stats for (mediaserver02.domain.local): scanned: 30663281 KB, stream rate: 47.59 MB/sec, CR sent: 190647 KB, dedup: 99.4%, cache hits: 0 (0.0%)
9/10/2012 9:14:41 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=8088) could not send server status message      
9/10/2012 9:14:47 PM - end writing; write time: 00:24:08
9/10/2012 9:14:51 PM - Info bpbkar32(pid=6068) done. status: 13: file read failed      
file read failed(13)


SharePoint File List of above Job ID: 
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV3-DB (serversql01/SharePoint_Config)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\DC_SSP\Services-DB 1 (serversql01/DC_SSP_DB)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\DC_SSP\DC SSP Web Application\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Content_DC_SSP)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\DC_SSP\Shared Search Index\Search-DB 1 (serversql01/DC_SSP_Search_DB)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Search\Search instance\Search-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Search_Help3)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\Axceler\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_CONTENT_AXCELER)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\DC Intranet Portal Web Application\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Content_DC)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\DC Intranet Portal Web Application\Content-DB 2 (serversql01/WSS_Content_Intranet_UK)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\DC SSP MySite Web Application\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Content_DC_SSP_MySite)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Windows SharePoint Services Web Application\Shutdown Web Application\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/WSS_Content_Shutdown)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\WSS_Administration\WebApplication\Content-DB 1 (serversql01/SharePoint_AdminContent_52ba590b-a7aa-4cc7-9558-276676345698)\

Any help is appreciated.

Level 6

BEDS 0xE000035F


The issue was resolved after performing the reboot on the Sharepoint SQL Server 2008 R2 Machine.

And after that the backup completed with status code 0.


Level 6

What version of Netbackup are you running on the server's in the farm ?

There was an issue in and  - A defect has been discovered in NetBackup 7.1, and when backing up Microsoft Sharepoint Server. The NetBackup Sharepoint agent is not able to enumerate the path to the "Windows SharePoint Services Help Search" database causing the Status 13 error and failing the backup.

There is also an eeb for 7.0.1 (2238377)


*please mark as solution if this resolves your issue *