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Sharepoint GRT Backup FTL - snapshot preparation failed

Level 4

moved from this thread to own discussion:


I'm facing the same problem... NBU on server & client. Win 2008R2 and Sharepoint 2010.

FULL backup with Enable granular recovery checked.

30.jan.2013 13:37:30 - begin Sharepoint Granular Snapshot: Create Snapshot
30.jan.2013 13:37:31 - started process bpbrm (pid=7808)
30.jan.2013 13:38:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=7808) SRV-SQL is the host to backup data from
30.jan.2013 13:38:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=7808) reading file list from client
30.jan.2013 13:38:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=7808) start bpfis on client
30.jan.2013 13:38:14 - Info bpbrm (pid=7808) Starting create snapshot processing
30.jan.2013 13:38:35 - Info bpfis (pid=28820) Backup started
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - Critical bpbrm (pid=7808) from client SRV-SQL: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - No SharePoint objects to backup., status 72
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - Critical bpbrm (pid=7808) from client SRV-SQL: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - No SharePoint objects to backup., status 72
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - Critical bpbrm (pid=7808) from client SRV-SQL: FTL - snapshot preparation failed - No SharePoint objects to backup., status 72
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - Info bpfis (pid=28820) done. status: 72
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - end Sharepoint Granular Snapshot: Create Snapshot; elapsed time 0:01:08
30.jan.2013 13:38:38 - Info bpfis (pid=0) done. status: 72: the client type is incorrect in the configuration database




# bppllist MS-SHAREPOINT -U

Policy Name:       MS-SHAREPOINT

  Policy Type:         MS-SharePoint
  Active:              yes
  Effective date:      06/28/2012 08:09:15
  Mult. Data Streams:  no
  Client Encrypt:      no
  Checkpoint:          no
  Policy Priority:     0
  Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
  Disaster Recovery:   0
  Collect BMR info:    no
  Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
  Volume Pool:         BACKUP
  Server Group:        *ANY*
  Keyword:             (none specified)
  Data Classification:       -
  Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
  Application Discovery:      no
  Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds
ASC Application and attributes: (none defined)

  Granular Restore Info:  yes
  Ignore Client Direct:  no
Enable Metadata Indexing:  no
Index server name:  NULL
  Use Accelerator:  no
  HW/OS/Client:  Windows-x64   Windows2008   srv-sp

  Include:  Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\
            Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\AllWebs

  Schedule:              FULL
    Type:                Automatic Backup
    Frequency:           every 7 days
    Maximum MPX:         1
    Synthetic:           0
    Checksum Change Detection: 0
    PFI Recovery:        0
    Retention Level:     3 (1 month)
    Number Copies:       1
    Fail on Error:       0
    Residence:           (specific storage unit not required)
    Volume Pool:         (same as policy volume pool)
    Server Group:        (same as specified for policy)
    Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:         0
    Schedule indexing:     0
    Daily Windows:
          Friday     00:00:00  -->  Monday     00:00:00


Ideas anyone?







Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

So the SharePoint Server looks ok but everything on the SQL Server comes back as :

8:32:34.850 AM: [17348.6992] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: ERR - bedsSharePointV2InitRemote():DLE_FindByName() for 'Microsoft SharePoint Resources' Failed! (0xE00084AF:The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.

This does imply a possible rights issue still.

Can we double check a few requirements:

.Net3.5 installed on the SharePoint Serves

The NetBackup Client Service and NetBackup Legacy Network Service on all servers are set to use the SharePoint admin Account (system account for SP 2008 or AharePoint Administrator for SP2003) - and that account is also a member of local administrators group.

Note also that when using GRT that some Farm Databases (Configuration database, Single Sign-on, Index Files, Index Database, Global Settings) cannot be backed up in a GRT backup and must be backed up in a seperate non GRT policy

Hope this helps

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

So the policy client is for srv-sp and the failure ocurrs on srv-sql

It sounds like it but just want to be sure that srv-sp is the front end farm server

Have you followed all pre-requisites for SharePoint backups ... NFS on all clients, NetBackup agent on all clients (all at the same version and patch level as the Media Server), NetBackup client services set, NetBackup Legacy Network Service set, all servers host properties - SharePoint section completed etc. etc as per the admin guide?

As the failure happens on the SQL backend server it sounds like that is where there is a configuration issue

Level 4

srv-sp is the Sharepoint-server and is the only client listed in client section of the backup policy. NBU an all our Netbackup hosts.

Backup credentials is set on client > Windows client > Sharepoint. Domain user sp_admin with correct password.

The sp_admin domain account is added to the SQL-sysadin group on the sql-server along with the account used for running backups on the Sharepoint server (a domain admin account).

NFS on all clients?




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

NFS needs to be enabled on the Media Servers and back end SQL Servers, along with the hotifx on the SQL back end servers.

Worth just double checking through the NetBackup SharePoint Admin guide that you do have everything in place that is needed

Level 6

Job details show this: No SharePoint objects to backup., status 72

A very basic question, when you launch BAR GUI from the web frontend srv-sp. Do you see the "Microsoft SharePoint Resource:\"  objects? It needs to be there for the snapshot (then backup) to work.


Level 4

Hm.... Could not find this object in the BAR-GUI...

Level 6

Oh.. that's not what I meant, from your screenshot you DO HAVE those SharePoint objects visible. 

Btw, in the backup selection can you put just the "Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\", see if it helps.

Also it seems you're backing up GRT using tape device (I saw volume pool setting..), it won't work. Please change the storage unit to be a disk-based storage.

Also looking at this technote:

Some similar errors for Exchange, see if these help:

Level 4

OK, thanks! I'll turn off GRT - don't have disk based backups...

Policy type is set to MS-SharePoint on the Sharepoint server (srv-sp) and MS-SQL-Server on the SQL-server (srv-sql).

Backup selections today:

  • Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\
  • Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\AllWebs

I have removed the last entry and turned off GRT and will try another backup on Monday.



Level 4

Hm... Two jobs were started.

The first job succeded:

Backup selections:

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharePoint Foundation Search\Search instance\Index files 1 (SRV-SP/048f50c3-e455-4a7d-ba97-7a02db4db623)\

Detailed status:

04.feb.2013 14:13:38 - Info nbjm (pid=29907) starting backup job (jobid=49250) for client srv-sp, policy MS-SHAREPOINT, schedule FULL
04.feb.2013 14:13:38 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
04.feb.2013 14:13:38 - Info nbjm (pid=29907) started backup (backupid=srv-sp_1359983618) job for client srv-sp, policy MS-SHAREPOINT, schedule FULL on storage unit hegre-hcart2-robot-tld-0
04.feb.2013 14:13:39 - started process bpbrm (pid=11732)
04.feb.2013 14:14:00 - Info bpbrm (pid=11732) srv-sp is the host to backup data from
04.feb.2013 14:14:00 - Info bpbrm (pid=11732) reading file list from client
04.feb.2013 14:14:00 - connecting
04.feb.2013 14:14:43 - Info bpbrm (pid=11732) starting bpbkar on client
04.feb.2013 14:14:43 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
04.feb.2013 14:14:44 - Info bpbkar (pid=2540) Backup started
04.feb.2013 14:14:44 - Info bpbrm (pid=11732) bptm pid: 11776
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) start
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) using 65536 data buffer size
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) using 30 data buffers
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) start backup
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) backup child process is pid 11779
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - Info bptm (pid=11776) Waiting for mount of media id A00052 (copy 1) on server hegre.
04.feb.2013 14:14:45 - mounting A00052
04.feb.2013 14:15:19 - Info bptm (pid=11776) media id A00052 mounted on drive index 4, drivepath /dev/rmt/6cbn, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-HH5.004, copy 1
04.feb.2013 14:15:19 - mounted A00052; mount time: 0:00:34
04.feb.2013 14:15:19 - positioning A00052 to file 65
04.feb.2013 14:16:28 - Info bptm (pid=11776) waited for full buffer 7 times, delayed 8 times
04.feb.2013 14:16:28 - positioned A00052; position time: 0:01:09
04.feb.2013 14:16:28 - begin writing
04.feb.2013 14:16:35 - Info bptm (pid=11776) EXITING with status 0 <----------
04.feb.2013 14:16:35 - Info bpbrm (pid=11732) validating image for client srv-sp
04.feb.2013 14:16:57 - Info bpbkar (pid=2540) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
04.feb.2013 14:16:57 - end writing; write time: 0:00:29
the requested operation was successfully completed  (0)



The second job failed.

Backup selections:

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80 CRM\Content-DB 1 (SRV-SQL/WSS_Content_80_CRM)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 81 CRM\Content-DB 1 (SRV-SQL/WSS_Content_81_CRM)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Services\SPUserCodeV4/Metadata (SRV-SQL/52bff6ba-6355-4e27-86ee-a4867f2581ff)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Shared Services\Shared Services Applications\Security Token Service Application/Metadata (SRV-SQL/8e634af1-84de-4dab-9f10-24f26aceb67a)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharePoint Foundation Search\Search instance\Search-DB 1 (SRV-SQL/WSS_Search_SRV-SP)\
Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\WSS_Administration\WebApplication\Content-DB 1 (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_AdminContent)\


Detailed status:

04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - Info nbjm (pid=29907) starting backup job (jobid=49251) for client srv-sp, policy MS-SHAREPOINT, schedule FULL
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - Info nbjm (pid=29907) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=49251, request id:{8BAE7F8E-6ECE-11E2-9782-00212834954E})
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - requesting resource Any
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - requesting resource hegre.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.srv-sp
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - requesting resource hegre.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MS-SHAREPOINT
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - granted resource  hegre.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.srv-sp
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - granted resource  hegre.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.MS-SHAREPOINT
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - granted resource  A00052
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - granted resource  IBM.ULTRIUM-HH5.002
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - granted resource  hegre-hcart2-robot-tld-0
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
04.feb.2013 14:26:56 - Info nbjm (pid=29907) started backup (backupid=srv-sp_1359984416) job for client srv-sp, policy MS-SHAREPOINT, schedule FULL on storage unit hegre-hcart2-robot-tld-0
04.feb.2013 14:26:57 - started process bpbrm (pid=12426)
04.feb.2013 14:27:18 - Info bpbrm (pid=12426) srv-sp is the host to backup data from
04.feb.2013 14:27:18 - Info bpbrm (pid=12426) reading file list from client
04.feb.2013 14:27:18 - connecting
04.feb.2013 14:28:00 - Info bpbrm (pid=12426) starting bpbkar on client
04.feb.2013 14:28:00 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
04.feb.2013 14:28:01 - Info bpbkar (pid=25180) Backup started
04.feb.2013 14:28:01 - Info bpbrm (pid=12426) bptm pid: 12461
04.feb.2013 14:28:01 - Error bpbrm (pid=12426) could not write KEEPALIVE to COMM_SOCK
04.feb.2013 14:28:02 - Info bptm (pid=12461) start
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Info bptm (pid=12461) using 65536 data buffer size
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Warning bptm (pid=12461) could not set TCP_NODELAY on socket 0, errno = 22
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Info bptm (pid=12461) using 30 data buffers
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Info bptm (pid=12461) start backup
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Info bptm (pid=12461) backup child process is pid 12467
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Info bptm (pid=12461) Waiting for mount of media id A00052 (copy 1) on server hegre.
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Error bptm (pid=12467) system call failed - Connection reset by peer (at child.c.1298)
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - Error bptm (pid=12467) unable to perform read from client socket, connection may have been broken
04.feb.2013 14:28:03 - mounting A00052
04.feb.2013 14:28:34 - Info bptm (pid=12461) media id A00052 mounted on drive index 2, drivepath /dev/rmt/3cbn, drivename IBM.ULTRIUM-HH5.002, copy 1
04.feb.2013 14:28:34 - mounted A00052; mount time: 0:00:31
04.feb.2013 14:28:34 - positioning A00052 to file 66
04.feb.2013 14:29:54 - positioned A00052; position time: 0:01:20
04.feb.2013 14:29:54 - begin writing
04.feb.2013 14:30:06 - Info bptm (pid=12461) EXITING with status 42 <----------
04.feb.2013 14:30:06 - Error bpbrm (pid=12426) could not send server status message
04.feb.2013 14:30:27 - Info bpbkar (pid=25180) done. status: 42: network read failed
04.feb.2013 14:30:27 - end writing; write time: 0:00:33
network read failed  (42)


Level 4

Forgot to attach the logs from bpbkar...

Level 6

Your bpbkar log only contains messages for the first successful job (which backup the SearchIndex), but not the second failed job. Do you have a latest bpbkar logs?

You might also want to share with us the \logs\bpresolver  , \logs\beds\  in both srv-sp & srv-sql.

Level 6
Partner Accredited


Just few questions (may be few of from scratch)

Does Account have SharePoint Central Admin rights ? (Required for SharePoint backups)

Add user in local adPrivileged Account for GRT

Β·         It must have the following rights on the servers where the SharePoint components are installed:

o   Local administrative privileges

o   Domain administrative privileges

o   Site collection administration rights.

o   SharePoint farm administrator

Β·         Network Registry access from Front-end Server to Backend Database Server

Β·         From Local Security Policy of server , In the User Rights Assignment, add the account to the following policies:

o   Allow log on locally

o   Log on as a service

o   Replace a process level token

Apply gpupdate /force after above policy is done

Note: Make Sure BEDS exists under Logs Directorymin group of SQL and Front end server

Also post bptm logs there seems to be disconnect in TCP 

let us know if it works


Level 4

Increased logging to log level 5.

Increased CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT on Sharepoint-server from 300 to 3000.

Logs for both servers included. Some dirs are empty.

As far as I can see, privileges are OK.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

What are your backup directive now?

Interesting that it is:

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config)\

and not:

Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL\SharePoint_Config)\

Just the / after SRV_SQL sloping right and not left \

I will take a look at the logs and get back to you

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

So the SharePoint Server looks ok but everything on the SQL Server comes back as :

8:32:34.850 AM: [17348.6992] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: ERR - bedsSharePointV2InitRemote():DLE_FindByName() for 'Microsoft SharePoint Resources' Failed! (0xE00084AF:The directory or file was not found, or could not be accessed.

This does imply a possible rights issue still.

Can we double check a few requirements:

.Net3.5 installed on the SharePoint Serves

The NetBackup Client Service and NetBackup Legacy Network Service on all servers are set to use the SharePoint admin Account (system account for SP 2008 or AharePoint Administrator for SP2003) - and that account is also a member of local administrators group.

Note also that when using GRT that some Farm Databases (Configuration database, Single Sign-on, Index Files, Index Database, Global Settings) cannot be backed up in a GRT backup and must be backed up in a seperate non GRT policy

Hope this helps

Level 6

In web frontend bpresolver logs:

08:31:28.409 [5908.5068] <2> DebugLog(): INF -  v_sharepoint_v2::V_FindFirst() EXIT Name:ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config) bRC:true LastError:0x0:
08:31:28.409 [5908.5068] <2> DebugLog(): INF -  v_sharepoint_v2::V_FindFirst() ENTER Name:Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config)\ Mode:0
08:31:28.409 [5908.5068] <2> DebugLog(): DBG -  v_sharepoint_v2::V_FindFirst() Device:Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config) Obj: Pattern:*.*
08:31:28.409 [5908.5068] <2> DebugLog(): INF - ClusterVirutalNameToNodeName failed
08:31:28.409 [5908.5068] <2> DebugLog(): ERR - BEDS_AttachToDLE():FS_AttachToDLE() DeviceName:'ConfigurationV4-DB (SRV-SQL/SharePoint_Config)' BackupReason:0x1 Failed! (0xE000FE3C:Before you can back up this source, you must purchase and install a license for the appropriate Backup Exec agent. See the Job Log for details.)

The same error goes on for all other Sharepoint components such as:

(... and many more)

I do not know what license it suggests, but can you check if you have Sharepoint backup license on the master server? And if you do, I think it's good to call support and let them investigate.

Level 6

Here is a check list for sharepoint configuration I give out.  It also includes GRT.  I would go through it and confrim everything is set.


SharePoint Configuration Check List


1.  NetBackup Client version should be the same as the Master Server, and should be installed on all servers in the SharePoint farm, even SQL backend.   For SharePoint 2010 SP 1 or GRT you must be on or higher.


2.  The NetBackup Client service should be started by a Domain Account.  (MUST be in formatβ€œdomain\user”)

      (additional services are needed for GRT, please see GRT Section)


3.  The domain account in Step 2 must have the following privileges and permissions:

  a.  "Replace a process level token" and "Debug Programs" (Administrator Tools - Local Security Policy - Local Policies - User Rights Assignment) for all servers in the SharePoint farm, backend SQL included.

  b.  Local Administrator rights on all servers in the SharePoint farm.

  c.  Within SharePoint Central Administrator, the Domain Account is specified as a SharePoint Farm


  d.  The System Administrator role on the SQL Server for the SharePoint databases.


4.  At a minimum, you must have at least .NET Framework 3.5 installed on all servers in the SharePoint Farm.


5. Ports 13782 (bpcd) and 13724 (vnetd) between all Servers in the SharePoint farm and between the Media Server and Master. The ports must be opened bi-directionally.


6.  Under Host Properties - Clients on the Master server, under the Windows Client - SharePoint section, make sure that the Domain Account from step 2 is specified there, with the syntax as follows:  DOMAIN\Username  (not just the Username).  Do this for every client/server member of the SharePoint farm.


7.  Create a "beds" directory under <install path>\NetBackup\logs\ on each of the SharePoint farm servers (SQL included)


8.  Under Host Properties - Master Server, there is a Distributed Applications section.  For the first field, put in the name of the Front end server in the SharePoint policy, and in the 2nd field, the name of the SQL server hosting the SharePoint databases.


9. From the Front End web server specified in the policy, Right click on the NetBackup Backup, Archive, and Restore (BAR) GUI and  select "Run as Administrator" .  You should be able to see Microsoft SharePoint Resources objects there. If you do not see objects, check the farm topology and make sure you have not missed any of the steps on that server.


7.  In the first policy (non-granular), the client selection is a Front End Web server for the SharePoint portal.  The backup selection for your first policy should be: "Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\"


8. Make sure you do not have the "Enable Granular Recovery" box checked.


9.  In the client selction, the frontend server should be sepcified.


10.  You may now test you SharePoint Backup.


Addition steps for SharePoint  GRT


For setting up GRT backups of SharePoint, the Media server (if it is a Windows box) and the SQL server need to be running Windows 2003 R2 (or greater) with the following hotfix applied:


- In addition The Media server doing the backup/restore operations MUST have NFS Server components installed and running, as outlined in the SharePoint Administration Guide for NetBackup.


- The Frontend and Backend  servers must have Client for NFS


See Tech Note for details on NFS -


-The backups can only be Full backups, and must be taken to a disk storage unit, not tape.  Be sure that the policy reflects this as well as having the "Enable Granular Recovery" box checked.  Please see the following tech note which lists what type of disk storage types are support for GRT - 


-  Since GRT only supports Disk, backups can be staged off to tape media at a later time, but the initial backup must be to disk.  If you stage the backup image to tape, you must duplicate the image back to disk before a restore can be attempted.  For best performance, Symantec recommends that the disk storage unit being used as a target for GRT backups be located locally on the media server as direct SCSI or SAN attached disks. The use of disk storage units that write to network based file systems ( NFS or CIFS ) is not recommended. Performance degradation or read errors may result when the media server presents the backup image via NFS to the client or proxy client if the NFS exported image itself is residing on a network file system ( NFS or CIFS ).


 - In addition to the Netbackup Client service, the Netbackup Legacy  Client Service  and Legacy Network services should be service should be started by a Domain Account.  Please refer to #2 and #3 above.


 - For GRT Restores, you must run the BAR from the Front end server.


- In addtion to 13782 and 13725 ports 111 and 7394 need to be open.

Level 4

I updated the 'Log on' account for the NBU BAR clients on SQL / Sharepoint AND the client setting under the central admin GUI host properties for both clients to use the same credentials.

Works fine now!

Thanks to all for valuable help!

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

great - thought i was a rights issue!

Level 6

Don't forget to mark your solution :)