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Stale image fragments on DSSU

Level 6
Enviromnent - NBU 5.1 MP6, solaris-based servers.
When examining destaging  statistics I discovered that one of DSSUs is unable to destage a certain portion data and the size of this undestaged data remains constant throughout a long period of time. Then I carefully examined the contents of DSSU directory and found out that there are a number of images fragments that were created one or two months ago. The images these fragments pertain to have already expired. It should also be mentioned that all these fragments are not the first fragments of the respective images, i.e. a number after F letter at the end of a fragment name is greated than 1.  When I issue ls -la command against DSSU directory looks like this.
-rw-------   1 root     other    1077936128 May 29 01:23 XXXwww6_1180384765_C1_F2
-rw-------   1 root     other    123737088 May 29 01:25 XXXwww6_1180384765_C1_F3
-rw-------   1 root     other    2048131072 Jul 18 20:50 XXXsparc-01_1184775485_C1_F2
-rw-------   1 root     other    1195638784 Jul 18 20:54 XXXsparc-01_1184775485_C1_F3
-rw-------   1 root     other    2048131072 Jul 18 20:59 XXXsparc-01_1184775485_C1_F4
I failed to find both first fragments and .ds files of these images in DSSU directory. In my opinion these images were sucessfully destaged and expired.
I don't know whether to just remove these stale fragments or to leave them as they are.

Level 4
I have the same problem with my Windows Media servers (5.1MP6).  Every few weeks I look at my DSSUs and just move the junk files into a garbage collection folder and archive them off.   There is no real reason to keep them, except I can tell an auditor that I didn't ever delete any image files.   I have one server that seems to do this a lot, and two others where it is very rare. 

Level 6
Could some one please point me to some Veritas technote explaining this issue. Is it known software bug or misconfiguration?

Level 6

Level 6
I have just removed theese image fragments too. I think that the cause of that strange Netbackup behavour is that a couple of our media servers are equipped with DSSU and the former configuration of DSSU Storage Unit group let DSSU belonging to different media servers to coexist in a single DSSU Unit Storage Group. in practice it looked like this.
Storage group name:  DSSU
Storage Unit name: mediaserver1-dssu1 
Storage Unit name: mediaserver2-dssu1
In my opinion this sort of configuration might lead to the situation when the first portion of image fragments exists on DSSU belonging to 1st media server and the rest of image fragments is placed on DSSU  belonging to the 2nd media server. In this case Netbackup just can't destage image entirely since 1st media server is unable to reach DSSU attached to the 2nd media server.
Conclusuion: when building DSSU Storage Unit Group never mix DSSU belonging to different media servers.