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Unable to See files on 2008R2 Servers

Level 4

I have a backup policy set for a drive on a Windows 2008 R2 server.  The backup completes successfully and I can see the image with its total size when I run a report.  However when I go to use the BAR I am unable to see files located in the sub-directories.  The size also says 0 for all of those folders.  I can see the the data in the folders if I go back to about 8 months ago.  Is there a way to see the data backed up since 8 months ago and what could have changed to cause this?  I am running the BAR as administrator.  Currently I am unable to restore anything from the past 8 months.  Thanks for your help.


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please check to see if there is more than one VSS provider.
Also check Event Viewer Application and System logs for errors.

See this TN for details:


View solution in original post


Level 6

What OS & NBU version on master & Client ??

Level 4

Master is Server 2008R2 and client is Server 2008R2.  They are both running on  I also failed to mention that this client is also on a cluster server. 

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Can you show us screen shots of exactly what you see - both for the policy and restore screens along with the client backup report

Just to give us better visibility of what you are seeing


Level 4

I can only tell you what I am seeing.  The backup policy is just a normal Windows backup which is backing up a root drive on a clustered machine.  When I go into the BAR and try to restore the folders they show not having any data within the folders.  However, there is a file on the root that I can see and restore.  Do you think it might be a permissions issue with those folders?

Level 6

Windows 2008  - do remember open BAR ob client by right click & Run As Administrator  

" I also failed to mention that this client is also on a cluster server. " --- what is the Client name mentioned in NBU backup policy b'coz you need to put exactly same in BAR also.



Level 4

I am running the BAR as administrator.  I successfully did a restore of a text file that is on the root.  The folders on the root do not show any data within them.  Because I was able to do a restore of the file I have ruled out any issue with getting the names right.  Thanks for your time.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

So how large does the backup say it was based on the client backups report and how large is the data that actually shows in the BAR GUI?

If there is a large discrepancy then something must be missing somewhere

If the backup itself is only tiny then we need to look at the backup rather than the restore


Level 4

The backup is 155 Gigs and in the BAR it only shows the size being 2002 KB.  I did the bpflist command for the image I am trying to restore and it shows all of the files.

Level 4

I have found that in the backup, the backup was not capturing the data in 1 folder which contains most of the data (about 1 TB).  I have changed the policy to only backup the one folder but it fails to back up the folder but still exits with a 0 and as successful.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

what the status coed when your backup finish?

Level 6

Can you plz check "Exclude List" is it alright ?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Please find out the following:

Is folder controlled by DFS-Replication?

Is folder a separate mount point?

Does NBU Client service account have access to this folder?
To check, log on as same account as NBU Client service, open BAR GUI and see if you can browse contents of folder. If you can, add a User schedule on Master to existing policy with small open window, select a couple of files/folders in the directory and kick off backup.
Please tell us the results.

DFS-R will 'lock' folders and back them up as part of Shadow Copy Components. Else, stop DFS-R before backup starts and resume afterwards.

Separate mount point will need 'cross mount points' in policy.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Good point from Marianne (as always) - you may just need to look elsewhere for you files if the are DFSR

Take a look at this tech note, if the backup was large and the files have been captured you may just be looking in the wrong place for them:


Level 4

The folder is controlled by DFSR

I have the Cross Mount Points attribute checked

The client service does have access to the folder.

The client is a clustered machine and I am using the virtual name as the client and not the nodes.  The path that I am using is \\server name\foldername.


When I run the backup I get socket read failed. An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.  (10054)

socket operation failed

unable to perform read from client socket.  connection may have been broken

done:  status 13 file read failed

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Now I am confused!

It started off as a huge backup but you couldnt see the files in the BAR - are saying that it has now stopped working or have you changed something and it has stopped working?

Level 4

I was tricked into thinking that the data was being backed up because there was a folder that is not a share that was being successfully backed up.  It looked like the right size of data.  I have come to realize that the directory with all of the shares in it which has DFSR applied to it has not been being backed up.  What I thought was a probelem with restoring is actually a problem with backing up a shared folder being controlled by DFSR.  Sorry for the confusion, I am not an expert at this software.

Level 4

Does VSS have to be enabled on the nodes in order for the backup to work?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

Ok - I understand now - so we can discount the original reported issue - now you just need to set the system up to back up DFSR data

Logs on here and the support pages and a few ways of doing it

Many people just use the directive similar to that on the link i sent you, which translates to:

Shadow Copy Components:\User Data\Distributed File System Replication\DfsrReplicatedFolders\Folder1\

Hope this helps

Level 4

Thanks, I am attempting this backup now with the path you specified.  It is taking a very long time.  I am guessing that is due to the snapshot being taken.  I will update when it completes.