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VM issues

Level 6

Boss Upgraded our VM center to 5.5 and now I am getting errors all the time with VM


Tried to change the policy to a cluster, and then powered on Servers and I get this.


So the query starts with


Cluster Contains "AHQ_Cluster"


The cluster i want to backup is called AHQ_Cluster.  I run a test query and get this. "Vsphere login failed. Server = [uns40-78], nbu status =1, serverity = 1"

So if I go back and manually add the servers back I get this.



Policy: VM_Olderblade -- filelist not configured..for every one I added.



What am I missing?


Master/Medai is the same server 2008 server R2




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Not applicable


I have been able to get my test Netbackup server to successfully backup and restore using the VMware policy type.  I'm not using the query though, I browsed and manually defined them.  So perhaps its an issue with the Query and vSphere 5.5 or simply a login issue?  Of course though, it's not supported (hence the word test eariler), but just thought I would let you know I have it working.  This being said, VMware tools and hardware versions have not been upgraded yet so the VMs themselves have not changed since the vSphere 5.5 upgrade took place.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited

I would like to verify that your logging on with the correct vcenter user and password that is entered in netbackup. Please try to login to vcenter with this user and pass. Also besides the query, what happens when you try to browse the vm's and select on that way?

Partner    VIP    Certified

Vcenter  5.5  is not yet supported by netbackup.

even with ..  you need to downgrade the Vcenter to 5.1 


Support for NetBackup 7.x in virtual environments

Level 6

I will check passwords with VM admins.  try to browse them I get the last error.


Ugh that will suck if VM 5.5 isn't support since all 300 just moved to that and Netbackup is the backup for all of them.  They just upgrading them with out talking to me.

Partner    VIP    Certified

I am afride its officially its not supported.. but that does not mean that it will not work..& not sure if it works.

but its denfinatly not worth of testing on Production enviornment  when its not officially declared.

talk with the VMware admin and go for Backout paln.

Level 6

Ok ID issue that change with the upgrade was the first issue.  but as start 5.5 Vcenter isn't support even though it has been out for 6 months?  


I am being told we can't downgrade.



Is there a work around for this. I can no longer back these up..

Level 6

I could treat them each as a client and back them up that way?  

Level 6

Ok calling now.

Partner    VIP    Certified

yah..thats going to be a Standard client configuration  as you do for Physical client

1) install the Netbackup

2)configure as regular policy MS-windows or Standard

and atke the backup.

VMs will become as regular clients nothing els.. and loss all VADP capibalities..

Talk to symatec support once... before making any decission... I am sure not with Front line enginner..

may be thy would be able to help with some timeline or some patch if they have any.. 

Do update us if you got any info from Symatec support.

Good luck.

Level 6

vSphere 5.5 has arrived too late to be supported by NetBackup 7.6 but we expect to support it with a maintenance within the next 6 months.


* emphasis added

Not applicable


I have been able to get my test Netbackup server to successfully backup and restore using the VMware policy type.  I'm not using the query though, I browsed and manually defined them.  So perhaps its an issue with the Query and vSphere 5.5 or simply a login issue?  Of course though, it's not supported (hence the word test eariler), but just thought I would let you know I have it working.  This being said, VMware tools and hardware versions have not been upgraded yet so the VMs themselves have not changed since the vSphere 5.5 upgrade took place.

Level 6

Ok seems it is backup the VM even with the 5.5, and the error I was given.  can't do a query but like  monir81 said I can't manually select them.




Level 6

As stated I can backup by selecting the server just not query.


Thank you for the help.