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Vault Failure / Re-start Question

Level 6
Hey folks, I have a vault job that keeps failing and I keep adjusting the look back time and restarting the job....questions:
When I re-start the vault does it re-dupe the images in the failed job even though the time window is the same?
Will the job for the same time period eject the tapes that were part of the failed vault jobs (which are essentially the same vault jobs).
Will the jobs that completed in the failed vault jobs still be valid images.
When I say failed I mean the backup server crashed....
Why can't I just restart the failed job?

Level 6
> When I re-start the vault does it re-dupe the images in the failed job even though the time window is the same?
If you're starting a 'new' run of the Vault profile, it will make a new 'selection' of images.

> Will the job for the same time period eject the tapes that were part of the failed vault jobs (which are essentially the same vault jobs).
Probably.  In your Eject phase, obviously you have the 'duplicates' pool selected to be ejected.  As long as the images on there meet the selection criteria, they should be ejected.  Also, if those duplicate medias weren't filled the first time, it's likely that the new vault run will start by using them, thus ensuring that they get ejected.

> Will the jobs that completed in the failed vault jobs still be valid images.
I believe they will, yes.
> When I say failed I mean the backup server crashed....
> Why can't I just restart the failed job?
Not sure what the technical answer to this one is, I just know that you can't Smiley Wink