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nbauditreport status 362 failed to connect to Audit service

Level 6

Started to look at the nbauditreport command. Yesterday it worked fine, today exactly same command gives status 362. The nbatd is running and have not been able to see anything in the event viewer regarding the service

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

This is covered by unified logging so you can use vxlogview to see if something is logged

The originator id of the audit service is 293, audit messages 294 and you can also create the \netbackup\logs\nbaudit\ folder so that it logs what is going on.

Hope this helps


You may need to restart the nbaudit service to get it working again - question is why it stopped if it did - set up the logging to capture any issues

Level 6

Turn out I had to close down the Netbackup Console to get nbauditreport to connect to the service. Very strange and not very usable

The standard questions: Have you checked: 1) What has changed. 2) The manual 3) If there are any tech notes or VOX posts regarding the issue

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you are using OpsCenter you should be able to see the audit details in there (Monitor>Audit Trails)