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reinstall netbackup on media server

Level 6
Hi All,

I have a media server it configured with master server teebox. I reinstall this media server but still keeping voldb & mediadb on this media server, now this media server configures to new netbackup master cdcnbu1, but when I run a backup test, it's still searching old pool (from old master teebox), anyone how to fix it. (I want to keep all tapes (belongs to old master teebox), thanks.

Level 6
So are you saying that you have taken a media server from the master teebox, but are now wanting to use this reinstalled media server with the master server cdcnbu1? And you still have the old volDB and mediaDB on the media server when its master was teebox?

Level 6
that's right, I want to keep old backup tape. The problem is they don't want to import the teebox backup tapes, any idea how to fix it ? Thanks.

Level 6
You're not going to fix this problem, as the mediaDB and volDB on the media server is referencing teebox, and not the new master server.

So you have to import the tapes with backups on into the new master server, or, if you can, rehook the media server back up to teebox and do a "bpmedia -movedb..." to move the media off the media server onto another server associated with teebox, and then start afresh with the new master server.

Right now your volDB and mediaDB on the media server hold data from teebox, and the new master server knows nothing about these tapes...

Try running a database consistency chcek....

Level 6
I wonder if the FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER flag would help here?
That should force it to refer to the new master instead of the old one ...

Just a wild guess though.

Level 6
Will only help with doing restores on the original master (not on the new master), but again as the media server has not bee decomissioned issues are going to happen as the master server tries to expire media etc...

Level 6
FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER would help for restoring only but not for tape expire. Anyway thanks for your information :)

Level 6
bpmedia -movedb -m -newserver BS

Level 6
It's working with same netbackup master , when you decomission old media server but if you install new netbackup master (diff server name) it won't work. My solution is: add FORCE_MEDIA_SERVER in new master server bp.conf, copy all images from old master server to new master server but it's working for restore only not for tape expire.

Level 6
It's working with same netbackup master , when you decomission old media server but if you install new netbackup master (diff server name) it won't work. My solution is: add FORCE_MEDIA_SERVER in new master server bp.conf, copy all images from old master server to new master server but it's working for restore only not for tape expire.