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restore size

Level 6

Ok I am trying to restore some files from a Unix Machine "that is no longer running" to another unix machine that is.

Problem I am running into is the Machine dosn't have much space and I keep filling it up and then the restore dosn't complete.

Is there a way to tell my Unix admin how much space he will need with out adding everything up in every folder?

Level 6
See this earlier (just!) post:

If you know when the backups are from you should be able to limit it to specific start/end times. At the very least it should give you a 'ball park' figure.

Having thought about that, it would only be useful if you were restoring the full amount that was backed up in that specific image, so probably no use (think I'm getting fixated on this command!). But if you told your UNIX admin the figure from this command, you should definitely have enough space wink

Level 6
which was also in my other post!

# bplist -l -C client -t 0 -R 6 -s 05/10/2010 -e 05/11/2010 /path/to/directory

set -R to whatever depth is likely to cover all sub-directories within restore path (may have to do this a few times if several restore paths)

This will give a list similar to ls -l, you'll still have to do a bit of manual adding, but ...