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BESR 8 Hangs Under Vista HP on Acer Laptop

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I thought I had come across a solution when I read about freezing by contributor Olbow (05-Sep-08). However, I checked my own drive and found it be error free. So, here is my problem:


After installing BESR Desktop 8 V8.0.3.28325 on an Acer TM5520 laptop, reboots take 11 (eleven) minutes, displaying a blank screen during this time. The system then appears to run normally. Next, when BESR 8 is requested, text at the bottom left of the window states "Scanning disks...". This continues to be displayed for another 11 minutes before displaying Ready. The worst of the problems is that even after completely uninstalling BESR I am left waiting 11 minutes every time I reboot. I could only fix this problem by restoring my C partition from a Ghost backup taken prior to the installation of BESR.


The only thing I can suggest that might cause BESR a problem in this case is that Acer partion the drive into three parts. The first partition is an "EISA" partition and is, presumably, used by Acer recovery. The second and third partitions, C and D, are standard NTFS partitions.


Finally, just to complete the picture, my laptop runs an AMD Turion processor and has 2Gb of DDR2 RAM.


By the way, I have installed the same BESR on a standard Vista HP desktop PC without any troubles at all.


Has anyone else had this problem with an Acer laptop? Better still, does anyone have a solution?


Level 6
Employee Accredited
What version of Ghost did you use to perform the restore? Do you get the same slow speed if you use the MSCONFIG utility to shutdown all non-essential Microsoft services and startup items during and after the install? With MSIFO32.EXE ran on the desktop and the laptop, are there, under Software environment | System Drivers Kernel or File System drivers that appears on the laptop and not on the desktop that are not disabled / not started; are these a part of a disk maintenance/utility software – do they launch on startup/boot? Are there errors in the Symdrvinstall.log, Providerinstall.log, or the BESRinstall.log on the laptop system?