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Backup Exec 7.0 popup messages (Desktop Edition)

Level 2
I'm running Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery Desktop Edition on a number of computers in my building.  Is there a way to stop the popup messages on the bottom right side of the screen every time Backup Exec wants to start a new backup?  This tends to confuse people who shouldn't have to bother with the software at all.  In version 6.5 there was a registry edit you could do to prevent the popup messages, but in 7.0 I can't find anything.

Level 4
Yes, there is a way of stoppinng popup messages for BESR:
- open BESR Console -> Task -> Options -> Tray Icon

Level 2
I believe that unchecking all of the tray icon boxes is supposed to stop the messages from popping up and asking if you want to start a backup, but it doesn't do anything.  I think this could be a bug in the program.

Level 6
In your Registry find and verify the following keys:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery|TrayMessageFilter  Value: 0
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery|TrayOptions  Value: FALSE
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec System Recovery|TrayVisibility  Value: FALSE
This should disable all visual BESR Tray Icon reporting and Hide the BESR Tray Icon.
TrayMessageFilter  - disable visual reporting for the Tray Icon
TrayOptions  - Disable the Options accessible from the Tray Icon
TrayVisibility  - Hides the Tray Icon
Hope this provides some assistance.
Rich L

Level 2

Client with Windows terminal server 2003 and HP thin clients at the desks here. We did clear the boxes from the menu months ago and we checked the registry settings as stated in the message above. Still people get pop ups at random.


Machine and software are up to date. We ran through the registry for other settings. No avail. 


Level 6

Backup Exec System Recovery (BESR) doesn't work real well with Terminal servers so it is likely related to terminal services. 


Please see the following TechNote on BESR's compatibility with Terminal Server:

Level 2
Thank you for your response. We have several clients running Terminal Server and BackupExec system recovery installed. Apart from the popups we haven't seen problems. However, we will take the advise.
Message Edited by Koreman on 10-28-2008 03:38 AM