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Microsoft Exchange Information Store not starting on LiveState recovery of server

Not applicable

Hi everyone,


I am trying to do a restore of an Exchange server, with Microsoft Server 2003 Standard edition, onto hardware that is mirrored to the hardware that is currently being used in a production environment  The hardware that I am restoring to is not connected to the network, so the six other production servers are not connected to this one in particular.  Once the restore is complete everything appears fine but my Microsoft Exchange Information Store is not starting, even though it is set to automatically start.  I am able to start this service but everytime I restart it is not automatically starting like it should.  Is it possible this has something to do with not being connected to the other servers in the network and not the restore itself?  FYI I am using LiveState 6.0 


Level 6


You mentioned that the recovered server is not attached to the network, but is it attached to an isolated switch or hub?  The Information Store will not start if the NIC does not have an active connection.

For more realistic testing, you should also have a recovered Domain Controller in your test environment.  There are some Exchange 2003 objects (routing groups for example) that are sored in the Active Directory, and you won't be able to manage them otherwise.

Good luck with your testing,

