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No C Drive with System Recovery Agent

Level 3

Hello, i installed the newest Version of System Recovery. After remoteinstall 5 Agents on Windows 2008 R2 Server i

want to Start Backup. The Problem ist that i see no C Drive on ALL remote Maschines. I Start debug Log on one Maschine.

Any idea ? Thanks for help

(Root) SME
    Kind                        PropertyId    Root
    Computer                    ObjectId      SME~Computer
    Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
    Name                        String        SME
    Version                     String        2011-07-21T13:08:54Z -- Kilimanjaro

    (Computer) SME~Computer
        Kind                        PropertyId    Computer
        Description                 String        Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Server 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
        Device                      Array         array[2] = {SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501, SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645}
        Disk Group                  Array         array[2] = {SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0, SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0}
        Drive Letter                Array         array[22] = {E:, F:, G:, H:, I:, J:, K:, L:, M:, N:, O:, P:, Q:, R:, S:, T:, U:, V:, W:, X:, Y:, Z:}
        Encoding                    uint32        1252 (4e4h)
        File System Encoding        uint32        850 (352h)
        Initialization Errors       empty         
        Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
        Installed Software          empty         
        Name                        String        BUEHN-LIGHT
        Root                        ObjectId      SME

        (Device) SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501
            Kind                        PropertyId    Device
            Bus Type                    StringId      RAID
            Computer                    ObjectId      SME~Computer
            Device Id                   String        M7B66F501
            Device Number               uint32        0
            Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
            Is Available                bool          true
            Is Device Physical          bool          true
            Is Media Removable          bool          false
            Location                    String        
            Media                       ObjectId      SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501
            Model                       String        
            Name                        String        \\.\PhysicalDrive0
            Serial Number               String        500143801802E7D0

            (Media) SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501
                Kind                        PropertyId    Media
                Device                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Is Missing                  bool          false
                Is Mounted                  bool          true
                Read-Only                   bool          false
                Region                      Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501~M7B66F501Region-0}
                Sector Count                uint64        286677120 (11165880h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Serial Number               uint32        2070344961 (7b66f501h)
                Size                        uint64        146778685440 (222cb10000h)

                (Region) SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501~M7B66F501Region-0
                    Kind                        PropertyId    Region
                    Extended Partition          ObjectId      ~
                    Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                    Is Restricted               bool          false
                    Media                       ObjectId      SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501
                    Offset On Media             uint64        0
                    Partition                   empty         
                    Sector Count                uint64        286677120 (11165880h)
                    Size                        uint64        146778685440 (222cb10000h)
                    Type                        StringId      MBR

        (Device) SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645
            Kind                        PropertyId    Device
            Bus Type                    StringId      Fibre
            Computer                    ObjectId      SME~Computer
            Device Id                   String        MBC3F6645
            Device Number               uint32        1
            Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
            Is Available                bool          true
            Is Device Physical          bool          true
            Is Media Removable          bool          false
            Location                    String        
            Media                       ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645
            Model                       String        
            Name                        String        \\.\PhysicalDrive1
            Serial Number               String        D_Light

            (Media) SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645
                Kind                        PropertyId    Media
                Device                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Is Missing                  bool          false
                Is Mounted                  bool          true
                Read-Only                   bool          false
                Region                      Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0}
                Sector Count                uint64        629145600 (25800000h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Serial Number               uint32        3158271557 (bc3f6645h)
                Size                        uint64        322122547200 (4b00000000h)

                (Region) SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0
                    Kind                        PropertyId    Region
                    Extended Partition          ObjectId      ~
                    Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                    Is Restricted               bool          false
                    Media                       ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645
                    Offset On Media             uint64        0
                    Partition                   Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0~P2048}
                    Sector Count                uint64        629145600 (25800000h)
                    Size                        uint64        322122547200 (4b00000000h)
                    Type                        StringId      MBR

                    (Partition) SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0~P2048
                        Kind                        PropertyId    Partition
                        Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                        Is Active                   bool          false
                        Is Cylinder Aligned         bool          false
                        Is Hidden                   bool          false
                        Is Logical                  bool          false
                        Offset On Media             uint64        2048 (800h)
                        Partition Data Start        uint64        0
                        Partition Name              String        
                        Partition Type              StringId      IFS (HPFS, NTFS), QNX, Advanced Unix
                        Region                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0
                        Sector Count                uint64        629139456 (257fe800h)
                        Volume Usage Type           StringId      Basic Data

        (Disk Group) SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0
            Kind                        PropertyId    Disk Group
            Computer                    ObjectId      SME~Computer
            Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
            Region                      Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501~M7B66F501Region-0}
            Segment                     Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0~SM7B66F501Region-0-1}
            Sub Type                    StringId      Unknown
            Type                        StringId      Basic
            Volume                      empty         

            (Segment) SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0~SM7B66F501Region-0-1
                Kind                        PropertyId    Segment
                Can Create Logical          bool          true
                Can Create Primary          bool          true
                Disk Group                  ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Is Allocated                bool          false
                Is Cylinder Aligned         bool          true
                Is Logical                  bool          false
                Offset In Volume            uint64        0
                Offset On Media             uint64        32 (20h)
                Partition                   ObjectId      ~
                Partition Type              uint32        0
                Partition Type Label        StringId      Unused or unknown
                Position in Volume          uint32        0
                Region                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501~M7B66F501Region-0
                Sector Count                uint64        286677088 (11165860h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Size                        uint64        146778669056 (222cb0c000h)
                Volume Replicant            ObjectId      ~

        (Disk Group) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0
            Kind                        PropertyId    Disk Group
            Computer                    ObjectId      SME~Computer
            Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
            Region                      Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0}
            Segment                     Array         array[2] = {SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~SMBC3F6645Region-0-1, SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~SMBC3F6645Region-0-2}
            Sub Type                    StringId      Unknown
            Type                        StringId      Basic
            Volume                      Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1}

            (Segment) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~SMBC3F6645Region-0-1
                Kind                        PropertyId    Segment
                Can Create Logical          bool          false
                Can Create Primary          bool          false
                Disk Group                  ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Is Allocated                bool          true
                Is Cylinder Aligned         bool          false
                Is Logical                  bool          false
                Offset In Volume            uint64        0
                Offset On Media             uint64        2048 (800h)
                Partition                   ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0~P2048
                Partition Type              uint32        7
                Partition Type Label        StringId      IFS (HPFS, NTFS), QNX, Advanced Unix
                Position in Volume          uint32        0
                Region                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0
                Sector Count                uint64        629139456 (257fe800h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Size                        uint64        322119401472 (4affd00000h)
                Volume Replicant            ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1~R1

            (Segment) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~SMBC3F6645Region-0-2
                Kind                        PropertyId    Segment
                Can Create Logical          bool          true
                Can Create Primary          bool          true
                Disk Group                  ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Is Allocated                bool          false
                Is Cylinder Aligned         bool          false
                Is Logical                  bool          false
                Offset In Volume            uint64        0
                Offset On Media             uint64        629141504 (257ff000h)
                Partition                   ObjectId      ~
                Partition Type              uint32        0
                Partition Type Label        StringId      Unused or unknown
                Position in Volume          uint32        0
                Region                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0
                Sector Count                uint64        4096 (1000h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Size                        uint64        2097152 (200000h)
                Volume Replicant            ObjectId      ~

            (Volume) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1
                Kind                        PropertyId    Volume
                Disk Group                  ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0
                File System                 ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1~Fs1
                Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                Installed Software          empty         
                Is Active                   bool          false
                Is Hidden                   bool          false
                Is Lockable                 bool          true
                Is Mounted                  bool          true
                Minimum Sotf Size           uint64        146264636928 (220e0d3e00h)
                Mount Points                Array         array[1] = {D:\}
                Mount state                 StringId      Mounted
                Partition Oriented Type     StringId      NTFS
                Read-Only                   bool          false
                Sector Count                uint64        629139456 (257fe800h)
                Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                Size                        uint64        322119401472 (4affd00000h)
                Uses Restricted Region      bool          false
                Volume Name                 String        BasicDiskVolume-MBC3F6645Region-0-1
                Volume Replicant            Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1~R1}
                Volume Status               StringId      Healthy
                Volume Type                 StringId      Simple
                Volume Usage Type           StringId      Basic Data

                (Volume Replicant) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1~R1
                    Kind                        PropertyId    Volume Replicant
                    Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                    Segment                     Array         array[1] = {SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~SMBC3F6645Region-0-1}
                    Volume                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1

                (File System) SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1~Fs1
                    Kind                        PropertyId    File System
                    Cluster Count               uint64        78642431 (4affcffh)
                    Cluster Size                uint32        4096 (1000h)
                    Creation Date and Time      uint32        0
                    Encoding                    uint32        65001 (fde9h)
                    Free Bytes                  uint64        195987222528 (2da1bfb000h)
                    Initialization Status       StringId      Healthy
                    Is File Access Available    bool          true
                    Is File System Encrypted    bool          false
                    Label                       String        D_Light
                    Last Modified Date and Time uint32        0
                    Sector Count                uint64        629139448 (257fe7f8h)
                    Sector Size                 uint32        512 (200h)
                    Serial Number               String        2157640159
                    Type                        StringId      NTFS
                    Used Bytes                  uint64        126132174848 (1d5e104000h)
                    Version                     String        3.1
                    Volume                      ObjectId      SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0~VMBC3F6645Region-0-1

Debug Log Contents

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.2130000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
Starting Application Debug Log

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.2280000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : ERR
  .\Cpu.cpp(242)   Function: CPU::QueryCpuInfo
mSystemCPUs(12) should be a multiple of mLogicalProcessorsPerPackage(32)

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.2750000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\SmeCommon.cpp(471)   Function: SmeCommon::Initialize
!--+============================== Starting Engine Initialization ==================================

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.2750000Z    DumpDebug(5208)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
New Thread is running at priority 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.2910000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: WINOS_SUPPORT : INFO
  .\CSV.cpp(325)   Function: GetCSVDisks
GetCSVolumes: The cluster service is not installed on this machine. There are no cluster shared volumes.

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.3380000Z    Main Thread(5760)    

Windows Mount Point Map
[DRIVE_FIXED      ] C:\   -->   \\?\Volume{ee46ba9e-769b-11e0-b1cf-806e6f6e6963}\   -->   
[DRIVE_FIXED      ] D:\   -->   \\?\Volume{afa07b69-3616-11e1-9579-441ea1523a1c}\   -->   

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.3380000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: BASE : INFO
  .\OsVersion.cpp(2244)   Function: OsVersion::GetExchangeInfo
LoadHive ():Loading registry hive file:///C:/Windows/System32/config/software

* 2012-04-11T08:29:12.3380000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDeviceDiscovery.cpp(525)   Function: WindowsDeviceDiscovery::QueryDisks
-------------------------------- Initializing Windows VDS Interface --------------------------------

Disk Name:            \\?\PhysicalDrive0
 Address:             Port2Path0Target4Lun0
 Friendly Name:       HP LOGICAL VOLUME SCSI Disk Device
 Adaptor Name:        Smart Array P410i Controller
 Device Path:         \\?\scsi#disk&ven_hp&prod_logical_volume#5&1eddebb4&0&000400#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
 VDS Guid:            b9a60bcc-4456-4bc4-88d8-ca825a612541
 Status:              Online
 Reserve Mode:        VDS_LRM_NONE
 Health:              VDS_H_HEALTHY
 Device Type:         FILE_DEVICE_DISK
 Media Type:          FixedMedia
 Size:                146778685440
 Bytes Per Sector:    512
 Sectors Per Track:   32
 Tracks Per Cylinder: 255
 Flags:               23424
 Bus Type:            VDSBusTypeRAID
 Partition Style:     VDS_PST_MBR
 Signature:           7B66F501

Disk Name:            \\?\PhysicalDrive1
 Address:             Port1Path0Target0Lun0
 Friendly Name:       DataCore SANmelody  Multi-Path Disk Device
 Adaptor Name:        Microsoft Multipfad-Bustreiber
 Device Path:         \\?\mpio#disk&ven_datacore&prod_sanmelody&rev_dcs_#1&7f6ac24&0&445f4c69676874#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
 VDS Guid:            5405de6e-33f0-4638-a656-7a659c88ce55
 Status:              Online
 Reserve Mode:        VDS_LRM_NONE
 Health:              VDS_H_HEALTHY
 Device Type:         FILE_DEVICE_DISK
 Media Type:          FixedMedia
 Size:                322122547200
 Bytes Per Sector:    512
 Sectors Per Track:   63
 Tracks Per Cylinder: 255
 Flags:               0
 Bus Type:            VDSBusTypeFibre
 Partition Style:     VDS_PST_MBR
 Signature:           BC3F6645

------------------------------- Uninitializing Windows VDS Interface -------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
Device constructor: unique id: Sg7B66F501 name: \\.\PhysicalDrive0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv0)(5336)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
New Thread is running at priority 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv_Total)(4224)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
New Thread is running at priority 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    ThrottleRunner(4232)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
New Thread is running at priority 2

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(1196)   Function: WindowsDevice::CheckKernelDeviceName
The kernel device name for \\.\PhysicalDrive0 is \Device\Harddisk0\DR0.

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
-------------------------------- Entering IsSanMetaDeviceDbg(v1.0) ---------------------------------
Doing SCSI inquiry on \\.\PhysicalDrive0.
GetScsiInquiry succeeded on DeviceIoControl for SCSIOP_INQUIRY.
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07   08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
 000  00 00 05 02 33 00 00 02 - 48 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 ....3...HP      
 010  4C 4F 47 49 43 41 4C 20 - 56 4F 4C 55 4D 45 20 20 LOGICAL VOLUME  
 020  35 2E 31 32 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5.12............
 030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 060  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 070  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

Device \\.\PhysicalDrive0 hasn't been found to be a known SAN device.
------------------------------------ Leaving IsSanMetaDeviceDbg ------------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(2730)   Function: WindowsDevice::SendATACommand2000
IOCTL_SCSI_RESCAN_BUS call to device \\.\PhysicalDrive0 failed (Not a SCSI device).

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\Device.cpp(817)   Function: Device::GetIdentifyDeviceInfo
IDENTIFY DEVICE - sending ATA_COMMAND_IDENTIFY failed on \\.\PhysicalDrive0 (Not an ATA device).

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: WINOS_SUPPORT : INFO
  .\CSV.cpp(325)   Function: GetCSVDisks
GetCSVolumes: The cluster service is not installed on this machine. There are no cluster shared volumes.

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5230000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(771)   Function: WindowsDevice::GetDeviceCharacteristics
----------------------------- Entering GetDeviceCharacteristics(v1.5) ------------------------------
GetDriveGeometry succeeded for \\.\PhysicalDrive0. Cyls: 35132 Hds: 255 Scts: 32 BPS: 512.
Media Type: Fixed.
Bus Type:   RAID.
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO returned 286677120 sector(s).
maxSectorCount is now 286677120 sector(s).
Calling DeviceIoControl (IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS).
GetScsiFormatAndGeometry succeeded for \\.\PhysicalDrive0. returned. Cyls: 15497 Hds: 255 Scts: 32 BPS: 512 SctCnt: 286677120.
Product Name:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive0.
Revision Level:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive0.
Found serial number from calling GetScsiSerialNumber: 500143801802E7D0.
Location: .
Calling CanChangeDeviceAddressableSectors.
Model Name:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive0.
The NT Drive Signature for \\.\PhysicalDrive0 is 2070344961.
Creating a media for \\.\PhysicalDrive0, with 2070344961 as the NT Drive Signature.
--------------------------------- Leaving GetDeviceCharacteristics ---------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(2964)   Function: WindowsDevice::CheckGoBackEnabled
GoBack is not active on device \\.\PhysicalDrive0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\MbrRegion.cpp(3883)   Function: MbrRegion::GetDriveLayout
After Direct GetDriveLayout
Disk                 : 0
Sector               : 0
NT Signature         : 7B66F501
# Type Boot  SCyl SHead SSector  ECyl EHead ESector  Sector Before  Sector Count
- ---- ----  ------------------  ------------------  -------------  ------------
0   07   80     0     1       1  1023   254      63           2048     286676992
1   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0
2   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0
3   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\WindowsDriveLayout.cpp(183)   Function: WindowsComputer::GetDriveLayout
After GetDriveLayout
DriveLayout for drive: 7B66F501
PartitionStyle       : MBR
PartitionCount       : 4

Part    StartingOffset    PartitionLength PN  PT  BI Recgnz HidSects
---- ----------------- ------------------ --  --  -- ------ --------
   0            100000         222CB00000  1   7   1      1      800
   1                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0
   2                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0
   3                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\RegionFactory.cpp(90)   Function: RegionFactory::Instantiate
Region for SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501 is SME~Computer~Sg7B66F501~M7B66F501~M7B66F501Region-0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
Device constructor: unique id: SgBC3F6645 name: \\.\PhysicalDrive1

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(1196)   Function: WindowsDevice::CheckKernelDeviceName
The kernel device name for \\.\PhysicalDrive1 is \Device\Harddisk1\DR1.

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
-------------------------------- Entering IsSanMetaDeviceDbg(v1.0) ---------------------------------
Doing SCSI inquiry on \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
GetScsiInquiry succeeded on DeviceIoControl for SCSIOP_INQUIRY.
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07   08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
 000  00 00 04 12 9B 00 10 02 - 44 61 74 61 43 6F 72 65 ........DataCore
 010  53 41 4E 6D 65 6C 6F 64 - 79 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SANmelody       
 020  44 43 53 20 44 5F 4C 69 - 67 68 74 00 00 00 00 00 DCS D_Light.....
 030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 02 60 01 80 00 40 ...........`...@
 040  09 00 09 60 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...`............
 050  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
 060  32 31 30 30 30 30 33 30 - 44 39 38 38 31 33 43 44 21000030D98813CD
 070  62 75 65 68 6E 2D 73 64 - 73 30 32 00 00 00 00 00 buehn-sds02.....

Device \\.\PhysicalDrive1 hasn't been found to be a known SAN device.
------------------------------------ Leaving IsSanMetaDeviceDbg ------------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(2730)   Function: WindowsDevice::SendATACommand2000
IOCTL_SCSI_RESCAN_BUS call to device \\.\PhysicalDrive1 failed (Not a SCSI device).

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\Device.cpp(817)   Function: Device::GetIdentifyDeviceInfo
IDENTIFY DEVICE - sending ATA_COMMAND_IDENTIFY failed on \\.\PhysicalDrive1 (Not an ATA device).

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv1)(4352)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
New Thread is running at priority 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5700000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(771)   Function: WindowsDevice::GetDeviceCharacteristics
----------------------------- Entering GetDeviceCharacteristics(v1.5) ------------------------------
GetDriveGeometry succeeded for \\.\PhysicalDrive1. Cyls: 39162 Hds: 255 Scts: 63 BPS: 512.
Media Type: Fixed.
Bus Type:   Fibre.
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO returned 629145600 sector(s).
maxSectorCount is now 629145600 sector(s).
Calling DeviceIoControl (IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS).
GetScsiFormatAndGeometry succeeded for \\.\PhysicalDrive1. returned. Cyls: 76800 Hds: 8 Scts: 1024 BPS: 512 SctCnt: 629145600.
Product Name:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
Revision Level:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
Found serial number from calling GetScsiSerialNumber: D_Light.
Location: .
Calling CanChangeDeviceAddressableSectors.
Model Name:  of device \\.\PhysicalDrive1.
The NT Drive Signature for \\.\PhysicalDrive1 is 3158271557.
Creating a media for \\.\PhysicalDrive1, with 3158271557 as the NT Drive Signature.
--------------------------------- Leaving GetDeviceCharacteristics ---------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: DEVICE : INFO
  .\WindowsDevice.cpp(2964)   Function: WindowsDevice::CheckGoBackEnabled
GoBack is not active on device \\.\PhysicalDrive1

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\MbrRegion.cpp(3883)   Function: MbrRegion::GetDriveLayout
After Direct GetDriveLayout
Disk                 : 1
Sector               : 0
NT Signature         : BC3F6645
# Type Boot  SCyl SHead SSector  ECyl EHead ESector  Sector Before  Sector Count
- ---- ----  ------------------  ------------------  -------------  ------------
0   07   00     0    32      33  1023   254      63           2048     629139456
1   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0
2   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0
3   00   00     0     0       0     0     0       0              0             0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\WindowsDriveLayout.cpp(183)   Function: WindowsComputer::GetDriveLayout
After GetDriveLayout
DriveLayout for drive: BC3F6645
PartitionStyle       : MBR
PartitionCount       : 4

Part    StartingOffset    PartitionLength PN  PT  BI Recgnz HidSects
---- ----------------- ------------------ --  --  -- ------ --------
   0            100000         4AFFD00000  1   7   0      1      800
   1                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0
   2                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0
   3                 0                  0  0   0   0      0        0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\RegionFactory.cpp(90)   Function: RegionFactory::Instantiate
Region for SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645 is SME~Computer~SgBC3F6645~MBC3F6645~MBC3F6645Region-0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\WindowsVolumeHandle.cpp(352)   Function: WindowsVolumeHandle::GetHandle
WindowsVolume: \\?\Volume{afa07b69-3616-11e1-9579-441ea1523a1c} opened with handle 0000038C

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: VOLUME_MGT : INFO
  .\Volume.cpp(226)   Function: Volume::Volume
Creating VMBC3F6645Region-0-1 in BgMBC3F6645Region-0 from disk 1

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.5860000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: VOLUME_MGT : INFO
  .\Volume.cpp(274)   Function: Volume::Volume
Finished creating VMBC3F6645Region-0-1 in BgMBC3F6645Region-0 from disk 1

* 2012-04-11T08:29:13.6010000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\SmeCommon.cpp(489)   Function: SmeCommon::Initialize
--------------------------------------- DiscoRoot Initialize ---------------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: TIMING : INFO
SmeCommon::Initialize (Pre-Apply)
    Result: Success.

CPU Speed: 2534MHz
  App Total                                                     :        1      2.010
  Section Total                                                 :        1      2.010
  Path::LinkFileAccessor                                        :      211      0.012   0.000058
  Path::GetString ... Segmentize                                :       17      0.000   0.000001
  Path::GetString                                               :       45      0.000   0.000002
  OSFileAccessor::Parse                                         :      401      0.011   0.000027
    OSFileAccessor::NormalizeOsPath                             :       21      0.003   0.000166
      GetOnDiskPathName                                         :       21      0.001   0.000055
      LocallyMappedPathToUNCPath                                :       21      0.002   0.000086
    OSFileAccessor::IsRemovableMedia                            :       21      0.007   0.000322
  Computer Initialization                                       :        1      1.268
  Init All Devices                                              :        1      1.250
  Init Windows Devices                                          :        1      1.250
  ThrottledObject:\\.\PhysicalDrive0                            :        4      0.000   0.000000
  Init Windows device \\.\PhysicalDrive0                        :        1      0.053
  ThrottleRunner                                                :        7      0.000   0.000023
  SB Cache Init                                                 :        8      0.000   0.000002
  SB Cache Read                                                 :        4      0.001   0.000287
  NT SP:PhyDrv0:Read                                            :        1      0.000
  ThrottledObject:\\.\PhysicalDrive1                            :        3      0.000   0.000000
  Init Windows device \\.\PhysicalDrive1                        :        1      0.010
  SB Cache Init                                                 :        6      0.000   0.000001
  SB Cache Read                                                 :        3      0.001   0.000255
  Init all diskgroups                                           :        1      0.009
  Init Dynamic diskgroups                                       :        1      0.000
  IsLdm(M7B66F501Region-0)                                      :        1      0.000
  IsLdm(MBC3F6645Region-0)                                      :        1      0.000
  Init BasicDiskGroup BgM7B66F501Region-0                       :        1      0.000
  Init BasicDiskGroup BgMBC3F6645Region-0                       :        1      0.009
  Bitmap::Constructor                                           :        3      0.000   0.000000
   Init Volume VMBC3F6645Region-0-1                             :        1      0.008
  VolumeSP \\?\Volume{afa07b69-3616-11e1-9579-441ea1523a1c}:Read:        2      0.007   0.003748
  SB Cache Init                                                 :        2      0.000   0.000002
  SB Cache Read                                                 :        2      0.007   0.003748
    FSFactory::Create(1) BasicDiskVolume-MBC3F6645Region-0-1    :        1      0.000
    DG::GenerateMetaData BasicDiskVolume-MBC3F6645Region-0-1    :        1      0.000
  Enumerate Snapshot Devices                                    :        1      0.009
  Init InstalledSoftwares                                       :        1      0.004
  File Open:          fstab                                     :        1      0.001
  sme init                                                      :        1      0.005

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
Partition Info:

DiskGroup: SME~Computer~BgM7B66F501Region-0 (Basic): 137 GB
DL  A L FileSys Label                Clust FS Size FS Used DN StartSector   EndSector     PT Layout   Rep FS Serial Number     Segment Name              Volume Name
=== = = ======= ==================== ===== ======= ======= == ============= ============= == ======== === ==================== ========================= =========================
      P                                     137 GB          0            32     286677120                                      SM7B66F501Region-0-1

DiskGroup: SME~Computer~BgMBC3F6645Region-0 (Basic): 300 GB
DL  A L FileSys Label                Clust FS Size FS Used DN StartSector   EndSector     PT Layout   Rep FS Serial Number     Segment Name              Volume Name
=== = = ======= ==================== ===== ======= ======= == ============= ============= == ======== === ==================== ========================= =========================
D:    P NTFS    D_Light               4096  300 GB  117 GB  1          2048     629141504 07 Simple                 2157640159 SMBC3F6645Region-0-1      VMBC3F6645Region-0-1
      P                                       2 MB          1     629141504     629145600                                      SMBC3F6645Region-0-2

Installed Software:

Known Threads:
    Main Thread(5760)

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\SmeCommon.cpp(172)   Function: DumpSystem

================================ Object Mappings - ObjectId/Generic ================================

Computer: /Computer#0

   Device: /Computer#0/Device#0

      Media: /Computer#0/Device#0/Media#0

         Region (MBR): /Computer#0/Device#0/Media#0/Region#0

   Device: /Computer#0/Device#1

      Media: /Computer#0/Device#1/Media#0

         Region (MBR): /Computer#0/Device#1/Media#0/Region#0

            Partition: /Computer#0/Device#1/Media#0/Region#0/Partition#0

   Disk Group (Basic): /Computer#0/Disk Group#0

      Segment: /Computer#0/Disk Group#0/Segment#0

   Disk Group (Basic): /Computer#0/Disk Group#1

      Segment: /Computer#0/Disk Group#1/Segment#0

      Segment: /Computer#0/Disk Group#1/Segment#1

      Volume: /Computer#0/Disk Group#1/Volume#0

         Volume Replicant: /Computer#0/Disk Group#1/Volume#0/Volume Replicant#0

         File System (NTFS): /Computer#0/Disk Group#1/Volume#0/File System#0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\SmeCommon.cpp(522)   Function: SmeCommon::Initialize
!--------------------------------- Finished Engine Initialization ----------------------------------

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
  .\Thread.cpp(739)   Function: BaseProcess::WaitForThread
Waiting for thread "DumpDebug(5208)" to exit with timeout 1000

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    DumpDebug(5208)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
Thread is exiting with code 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SECTOR_BUFFER : INFO
  .\WindowsVolumeHandle.cpp(328)   Function: WindowsVolumeHandle::ClosePlatformHandle
WindowsVolumeHandle::CloseWin32Handle(0000038C) succeeded

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: SME : INFO
  .\WindowsVolumeHandle.cpp(108)   Function: WindowsVolumeHandle::~WindowsVolumeHandle
WindowsVolumeHandle: \\?\Volume{afa07b69-3616-11e1-9579-441ea1523a1c} closed

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
Device destructor: unique id: Sg7B66F501 name: \\.\PhysicalDrive0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
  .\Thread.cpp(701)   Function: BaseProcess::WaitForThread
Waiting for thread "CollectQueryData(PhyDrv0)(5336)" to exit

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv0)(5336)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
Thread is exiting with code 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)    
Device destructor: unique id: SgBC3F6645 name: \\.\PhysicalDrive1

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
  .\Thread.cpp(701)   Function: BaseProcess::WaitForThread
Waiting for thread "CollectQueryData(PhyDrv1)(4352)" to exit

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv1)(4352)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
Thread is exiting with code 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
  .\Thread.cpp(701)   Function: BaseProcess::WaitForThread
Waiting for thread "CollectQueryData(PhyDrv_Total)(4224)" to exit

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    CollectQueryData(PhyDrv_Total)(4224)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
Thread is exiting with code 0

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2250000Z    Main Thread(5760)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
  .\Thread.cpp(701)   Function: BaseProcess::WaitForThread
Waiting for thread "ThrottleRunner(4232)" to exit

* 2012-04-11T08:29:14.2880000Z    ThrottleRunner(4232)        Context: PROCESS : THREAD
Thread is exiting with code 0




Maybe this helps:

Level 3

Thanks, i attach Partinfo.txt. The Cylinders are OK.



Hm, are you entitled to open a support call ?


Have you been able to open a support call ?