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Operating system & Paging File error

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I am stilling getting the orpating system and page file error during the job on System Recovery 8.0.  I continually run this fixinstall.bat that I found in the app folder.  It helps for a day or two then it erros out again. 


I sold 8 copies of this product to various clients and I having trouble making it stable due to this issue.  Can you suggest anything?


Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of  (C:\), Data (E:\). Error E0BB001B: Cannot lock volume \\?\Volume{4731cc69-917e-11dc-ae69-806e6f6e6963}\ because it contains the OS or has an active paging file.
Details: The volume contains system or paging files.

Source: Backup Exec System Recovery


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Running VSSADMIN LIST WRITERS, after the error what is the state of all of the writers?

Can you run immediately after an error run the following Microsoft Command successfully: 


ntbackup backup systemstate /f c:\systemstate.bkf

vssadmin Create Shadow /For=C:


Note - If you suspect another partion is at fault then change 'C:' to the volume of choice.


If these succeed, contact technical support for a patch build that may assist you on this. If they fail, but works after a reboot, look at applications on the systems that uses snapshot or shadow copy technology and within these applicaiton or its registry settings specify that they use the Microsoft VSS provider then set to automatic.