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Access to network share (ethernet disk)

Level 3
Hello All,

I'm having some trouble with a 12.5 system I just installed on a client's WS2003 machine, I cannot get the Backup to Disk to target their Lacie Network Space ethernet disk's protected share.

The disk (networkspace) is in its own workgroup (workgroup) with one protected share (myshare) and one unprotected share (openshare), the server is in a domain. When I target the unprotected share I can add a B2D folder just fine but when I target the protected share all I get is a Logon Account Selection dialog in which I have tried to add every conceivable account variation I can think of without any success at all.

It should be noted that I can map the protected share just fine in Windows Explorer from the server as well as all clients. Also of note is that I cannot change the administrator account on the Lacie disk, it is hardcoded to "admin".

Is what I am trying to do impossible or am I missing somthing really obvious? I would rather not store the backups on the unprotected share but left with no other choice..

I would be very grateful for any help at all.

Måns Ågevik
Niviac Ltd.