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Backup Exec 2012 Archiving failing

Level 4
Partner Accredited


after i barely managed to install the archiving option (came across several problems)

i'm now receiving this error :

Final error: 0xe0009918 - The Microsoft Exchange mailbox store for the system mailbox that is associated with the Exchange Server is not online.
Final error category: Archiving Option Errors


the only artical i came across is this one

and no, my grt is working fine and i can browse my mailboxes for restore and everything.


While preparing requirements for archiving option installation, I've created a 'system mailbox' for Backup Exec to use, ( but this mailbox is also used for the outlook installed on my BE (also a requirement for AO installation). not sure if this is causing the problem above


any ideas?





Level 4

If your exchange is Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2010;

Give the proper permissions to the Backup Exec Service account (not the system mailbox) by doing the following;

1 Log on to the Exchange Server using an account with the following management roles:
■ Active Directory Permissions
■ Exchange Servers
■ Organization Configuration
By default, members of the "Organization Management" role group are assigned these roles.

2 Copy the script SetEVExchangePermissions.ps1 to the Exchange Server.
The script SetEVExchangePermissions.ps1 is located on the Backup Exec installation path at \enterprise vault\powershellscripts.

3 On the Exchange Server, open the Exchange Management Shell.

4 Type the following command:
SetEVExchangePermissions.ps1 -User "<Domain Name\Backup Exec service account>'

5 To force these changes to take effect immediately, restart the Exchange Information Store service on each Exchange mailbox server.

Once you do this, give the Service account "Send As" rights on the system mailbox by running the following powershell command;

Add-ADPermission -Identity '<system mailbox name>' -User '<Domain
Name\Backup Exec service account>' -ExtendedRights 'Send-as'

NOTE: To grant Send As permission on the mailboxes that you created for Backup Exec's exclusive use, repeat the previous step on the appropriate Exchange Servers.

If that does not help, as a workaround try using the Backup Exec service account itself as the system mailbox account.

Also ensure that the Exchange Management console is installed on the media server and the MAPI CDO components


Level 4
Partner Accredited

i've already done everything you've listed, even before the archiving option was installed. since i was installing this for the first time i went step by step through the admin guide, giving permissions..runing scripts..

i'm using exchange 2010 and my os is 2008 r2, in case this matters.


no clue what could be the problem

Level 4

Does using the Backup Exec service account as the system mailbox also gives you the same error?

If yes, can you please run the Sgmon.exe with the options "Job engine, RAWS, Agent browser", "Backup Exec Server", "Management" and the "Capture to File" selected before running the job and post the Sgmon log file here.


Level 4
Partner Accredited

well the thing is, my SMTP addres of the system mailbox is, but the BE service account is, to be precise it's TEST\backup

('cause i had trouble installing the archiving option until i've changed the BE service account from this to this form: TEST\backup)

and no, i cannot create the archiving stage using the BE service account, only using and then the archiving is failling with the above mentioned error.


hope u could understand. do u still want the log files?


regards & tnx


Level 4

Yep .. I think I understand what you mean. Just one more question, Are all the BE as well as Enterprise Vault Services running under the same TEST\Backup account?

Please post the logs.


Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hi Ashwin,

i have a new situation now. as i said i could browse and select items for restore from GRT backup, but...

i have tried a single mail restore but it fails with the error that there is no trust relationship between that computer (mail server) and BE. i've added it to favorites and i've added the BE to my remote agent utility and restarted the services - but still no trust between them. this is probably causing the archiving error since the grt is not working properly

i'm currently working on it. i'll write when i have the solution.




Level 4

No problem Jana, please update me with the results when you resolve the trust problem.

Just for your info, if GRT restore fails, then generally the archive jobs also fail. They use a similar kind of mechanism. So to confirm if its an archive or a general GRT problem try an archive job once your GRT restores are successful and if it still fails that tells you that its an archive problem.

Level 4
Partner Accredited

hi Ashwin,

yes all my BEservices are running under test\backup account.

btw i resolved the grt issue, so now i'm able to restore single mail items. it seems that my remote agent has to run under System logon account, and not test\backup (although the admin guide says different, as i recall).

anyways, i'm back to square one. i'm having the same issue as mentioned in my first post.

Final error: 0xe0009918 - The Microsoft Exchange mailbox store for the system mailbox that is associated with the Exchange Server is not online.
Final error category: Archiving Option Errors


would you still like to see the sgmon logs?




Level 4


The Remote agent on both your Exchange server and the media server should always run under the Local System account (which anyway it does by default and you should not change it).

Please run Sgmon.exe with the options "Job engine, RAWS, Agent browser", "Backup Exec Server", "Management" and the "Capture to File" selected before running the archive job and if the job fails, please post the log here.



Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hi Ashwin,

then i've set it up right.

the logs are attached.

thank you




Level 4

Hi Jana,

These are the entries in the Sgmon log which could be the problem;

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.788 [fsys\mb2]           - OpenExchangePrivateStore() Method failed ErrorCode = 8004011d

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.788 [fsys\mb2]           - No outlook 2007 service pack is found

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.789 [fsys\mb2]           - CExchangeArchive::AttachToDLE(), logon() failed

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.789 [fsys\shared]        - Attach to \\BKPSRV\ExchMailArch::1.0::Windows::1.0

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.789 [fsys\shared]        - Detach from \\BKPSRV\ExchMailArch::1.0::Windows::1.0

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.815 [ndmp\loops]         - BACKUP_LP_ENV::AttachToDLE() failed to attach to . Reason is 0xe0009918

What is the Outlook version on your media server? Is it Outlook 2007 SP2 with the Microsoft hotfix in  KB968858 (or later) installed? or Do you have outlook 2010 installed on the media server?

If the Outlook version is Outlook 2007 SP2 + KB968858, could you please try creating a profile for the mailbox that you are using as a system mailbox in the outlook on the media server and send some mails to this mailbox and check whether the outlook profile on the media server is receiving these mails.



Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hi Ashwin

it is Outlook 2007 sp3, with the right hotfix. i'm able to send and receive mail through the profile (system mailbox) i've crated in outlook (

Also tried restore of items, works perfectly

Level 4

Thats weird since BE specifically is mentioning the following in the logs;

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.788 [fsys\mb2]           - OpenExchangePrivateStore() Method failed ErrorCode = 8004011d

BEREMOTE: [08/15/12 10:57:54] [5840]     2012-08-15T10:57:51.788 [fsys\mb2]           - No outlook 2007 service pack is found

There is one more step we can do, that is to restart the Exchange services once and then try an archive. I understand its not something thats easy to do, but we have found this to resolve the issue in some cases.

Also if that does not help, In  sgmon along with the earlier checkboxes, select the following option SGMon -> Tools --> Start Archive option logging and then try running the archive job again. This will give us more detailed logs (The log is saved to the folder \Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs with a name similar to BEAO_TRACE_LOG_<date-time>.LOG). Please post this log along with the new sgmon log and the joblog if possible together in a zipped file.




Level 4
Partner Accredited


here you have the zipped file with both of the wanted logs.

yes the restart of exchange services could be a problem. i'll try to do that after the working hours, although i've done the reboot of the server a several times during this archiving option setup, but it didn't help. i'm struggling with this for a while now.


thanks in advance,



Level 4

Hi Jana,

Looks like it would be better if you could open a case with Symantec technical Support. We will probably need to check the environment to find out wht is happening.

