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Backup to disk folders

Level 4

I will be creating all new jobs and media sets for my Backup Exec 12.5 .  I will be follwing this idea given to me by Craig V. in this post..

At the time i did not mention Backup to disk folders.

What is the best way to create those folders/media sets, so they over/append at the correct intervals.  When i previously used B2D folders, i was forever going into the folders and deleting media to make room for new backups.

Thanks for the info.



   VIP    Certified

What is the best way to create those folders/media sets, so they over/append at the correct intervals. 

Go to Tools --> Options and make sure that you have the following setting.

Level 4

So after creating my backup to disk folder, i realize there is no way to assign to a media set.  So how is the data managed.

Regarding my Exchange 2007 GRT backup...I need some suggestions when creating my Backup to Disk folders.

Right now my message stores totatl about 210gb. (this is grows weekly, as we are a growing organization). 

When creating the folders this is my plan...

1- NO to allocate the Max size for backup files

2- 250gb for Maximum size to b2d file

3- 1 backup set per b2d file

4- 1 concurrent job.

The way i look at this I will have 1 backup per backup file, as opposed to multiple backup jobs in one file.  Or am I complete off base with this?

I also want to save the files for at least a i am looking at a monthly rotation on the b2d files.

What you think?  Any suggestions?








Level 6

The B2D folder is a device. Media sets apply to media, i.e. the files created within the B2D device. When you create a backup job, you choose which media set you are targetting, and any B2D files used for this job are added to that media set.

I would choose a smaller B2D file size than 250GB. It's not an issue for a job to span multiple B2D files. I know your plan is for 1 job per B2D file, but I'm sure there must be a disadvantage to having huge B2D files!

I would also allow more than 1 concurrent job. You may not plan more than 1 now, and it can be changed, but why limit yourself at this time?

To keep your backup jobs for a month, just create a media set, and give it an Overwrite Protection Period of 1 month. Then ensure that your backup job targets this media set. Provided you've set media protection model to full or partial, this will protect your backups in this media set for 1 month.

Level 6

but I'm sure there must be a disadvantage to having huge B2D files!


Like if your jobs are all Overwrite (my recommendation for all disk based jobs) if your data grows to 251 GB, you have just wasted 249GB in the second BKF file

Level 4

Any recommendations on size of the files for my B2D job on an Exchange database of about 210gb right now.  Most likily to grow this coming year.

Level 3

I am also having trouble backing up to folder.  I have tried backing up to a NetGear ReadyNAS device (made part of my domain) as well as a local drive on the backup server.  It keeps stating "0xe0008703: online media not available" "media check status: failed".  I have verified that the server/credential has full access to the NAS as well as the local drive.  Do I need to create backup files (media) first on the target devices?  If so, how do I do that?



Level 6

Please open a new thread for this, as while it is related to this topic, is not the same problem

Level 3

Posted as new thread.  Thanks, Ken.