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Cannot log on to MAPI with specified credentials

Level 3

Hi, all.


I've searched everywhere for a solution, but nothing seems to get me on track, here. The backup always fail with the specified error:


Final error: 0xe00002fe - Cannot log on to MAPI with the specified credentials. Review the resource credentials for the job, and then run the job again. Final error category: Resource Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-766


I've done everything that link tells me to do. I am now using the Administrator account to run backups, and I can logon on a workstation, open Outlook and see that everything is OK. When testing the credentials under the job setup, everything passes (The System Logon Account is administrator as well).


Any hints? I am using SBS2008.



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Do the following steps to resolve this problem

1. Uninstall MAPI and CDO from exchange server.

2. Reboot exchange server

3. Download latest CDO from Microsoft site

4. Install downloaded CDO (Version 1.2.1) and reboot exchange server

This problem occurs in case of curruption in installed MAPI client.

Above procedure has resolved my exchange problem and hope it helps you  as well.

View solution in original post


Level 6

Is it Exchange 2007  Server?

Is Exchange on same Server as Backup Sever?


On windows 2008 server , update the hosts file with IPV4 entries as given in below technote

An attempt to run a Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) backup of the Information Store to tape for Exchange 2007 running on a Windows 2008 server fails with an "Access Denied" error.


Restart the remote agent on Exchange server , or all BE services if it is on same server.

Make sure that exchange is the first resource in selection list order OR only select exchange in the bakcup job.


Check the credentials with the help of below technote

How to configure Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 backups in Backup Exec 11d and above


Level 3

Hi, I will investigate your links above.


SBS2008 is Small Business Server 2008 (which contains Exchange 2007), and yes, the backup server and exchange server are the same.



/ Lars

Level 3

I've gone through all the points in the checklist, and the problem still appears. I ran a diagnostics check from within Backup Exec, and what I see is that the administator user is not said to be a Domain Admin:


Local Group Memberships for Backup Exec service account MYDOMAIN\administrator on \\MYSERVER

Offer Remote Assistance Helpers
Denied RODC Password Replication Group

MYDOMAIN\administrator is a member of the following groups:
     MYDOMAIN\Domain Users
     BUILTIN\Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access
     BUILTIN\Certificate Service DCOM Access
     NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
     NT AUTHORITY\This Organization

MYDOMAIN\administrator has the following privileges:
     Create a token object
     Adjust memory quotas for a process
     Add workstations to domain
     Act as part of the operating system
     Manage auditing and security log
     Take ownership of files or other objects
     Load and unload device drivers
     Profile system performance
     Change the system time
     Profile single process
     Increase scheduling priority
     Create a pagefile
     Back up files and directories
     Restore files and directories
     Shut down the system
     Debug programs
     Modify firmware environment values
     Bypass traverse checking
     Force shutdown from a remote system
     Remove computer from docking station
     Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation
     Perform volume maintenance tasks
     Impersonate a client after authentication
     Create global objects
     Increase a process working set
     Change the time zone
     Create symbolic links


Could this be anything? I'm shooting in the dark, here...Man Sad

Level 6

Did  you create hosts file entries on windows 2008 server as given in technote?

I would recommend using another account which is unique instead of Administrator like symantec or veritas.


It should be part of Domain Admins

Give Exchange FUll Administrator role using system Manager.

It should have active mailbox which is not hidden from GAL.

Mailbox should be able to receive and send messages.

Should be part of  local Administrator  on exchange server.

Level 3

OK, now I have something to work with. I added a new user, gave it all the correct rights, and now this happens (from the Event Log):


An error occurred while attempting to log in to the following server: "MYSERVER".
 SQL error number: "4814".
 SQL error message: "Login failed for user 'mrbackup'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.


I added 'mrbackup' to the SQL Server using the SQL Server Express Management Console. Obviously didn't make any difference. Are there any particular db-rights I should assign this user? It is configured to use Windows Authentication.


The failed backup job responds with the same error as before (MAPI...).


Level 6

what are you doing SQL management studio?

You are backing up exchange , right?


is it windows 2008 (backup or exchange)?

Level 3

This error is logged from Backup Exec. Backup Exec uses SQL Server Express as its backend db, doesn't it?


It is Small Business Server 2008, which is Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2007 bundled.



Level 6

Can you follow this technote step by step.. I think you are going away from the basic things

How to configure Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 backups in Backup Exec 11d and above


Not applicable

I have foun this suggestion.


Mine is sorted now (after a fashion).  There is definitely a bug with BE12.5 and Ex2007.  I have tried putting the exchange backup FIRST in the selection order in the backup.  It works 100% that way, but if it comes after any NTFS backup it fails.  I hope this works for you.

Level 2

I've actually had this error and a host of other errors such as Exchange 2007 GRT backups working to tape but crashing the server when I attempted to run them to local disks or a SAN. I've also had the VSS writer failed errors. All of these things started happening about a month ago after 2 updates (can't recall the exact numbers). Then about a week ago this hotfix was released 319699. I read the release notes which listed things that closely matched but not directly matched the many odd errors I was receiving. I applied the patch, updated the agent on the Exchange server now everything is working without error. I can write backups to local disk, SAN, tape and it doesn't matter the resource order or if I include other things in the backup job.


It was quite frustrating for me for a long time trying to diagnose each problem only to have a different one appear the next time I rebooted or tried the backup job. Then when the original problems came back I felt like throwing the server out of the window. I tried reinstalling MS CDO, the VSS update patch for Server 2003 sp2, everything. Nothing seemed to help. If anyone is experiencing some/all of these problems, install the hotfix, reboot if the GUI says to and update the agent on the exchange server using the agent update tool (forgot the name of that) and reboot the exchange 2007 server if the tool instructs you to. In my case I didn't have to, my agent on the Exchange server was up to date except for the latest hotfix. Hope this helps someone

Message Edited by penniwise on 02-27-2009 06:42 PM

Level 2
I have the same problem as everybody else but also i cannot see individual mailboxes when i back up all i can select it the store, is this the same thing

Level 3
We have the same error, and it's not just with Exchange 2007 and server 08 like everyone says.
We are having the exect same issue with Exchange 2003 on server 2003 as well.

Level 2
I am having the exact same issues here.

We are running E2K7 SP2 on Win2K3 servers in a SCR cluster with BE 12.5 fully patched and hotfixed. We have tried everything from the tips above and still the backups will fail. There's absolutely no pattern. Sometimes we'll go several nights in a row with the backups to tape completing and then we'll have a week of nightly backup failures.

At this point, we just leave the GRT option checked and hold our breath. If we get a failure notification, we'll log in and uncheck the GRT box and re-run the job. Our thought is that a backup that is hard to restore is better than no backup at all.

While I am almost ready to concede that this appears to be a bug with Symantec's product, I will admit that our SG's are large (some are pushing 160GB) and we are running in a SCR cluster which I believe is unsupported by Symantec. Until I can get management to let me re-build the servers into a CCR cluster with several, more evenly loaded SG's, I am using Quest Archive Manager to try and offload some of the data from Exchange

However, after reading the many post here and on other sites, it would appear that I would still have the same problem with backups when I get the SG's under control in a CCR.

The following statement by Symantec gives me little relief:

Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers.
There are no plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix in the current or previous versions of the software at the present time. However, the issue is currently scheduled to be addressed in the next major revision of the product. Please be sure to refer back to this document periodically as any changes to the status of the defect will be reflected here

Not applicable
I've got the same error message, and it seems not to be related with credentials in every case, or not at all. I solved the problem by changing from backup to tape to backup to disk. (only for the exchange 2007 backup).

Level 2
We have the same issue with BE 12.5, Windows 2003, Exchange 2003, and we use backup-to-disk.  Symantec really needs to fix this. 

Level 2
FYI - We ran the exact same job to tape and it worked just fine. 

Level 3

We have loged a case in Symantec regarding MAPI, but after esclation of case to higer end team.

Symantec support person are advice us to take support from Microsoft for this MAPI issue.

As you mentiond....

"Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers.
There are no plans to address this issue by way of a patch or hotfix in the current or previous versions of the software at the present time. However, the issue is currently scheduled to be addressed in the next major revision of the product. Please be sure to refer back to this document periodically as any changes to the status of the defect will be reflected here"

How you got this acknowledgement, please reply us.

Level 3

After a long troubleshooting, we find some soloution for MAPI.

Shutdown the BE Server noded and start it again, then you can try to take backup.

My problem was resoleved with Shutdown and Start again of booth node of Cluster

Thanks in Advance

Not applicable

We have the same problem with BE 12.5, Windows 2003, Exchange 2003, and we use backup-to-disk.  Symantec really really really needs to fix this. It's pretty bad when you run the test and it passes, but the job FAILS!