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Cascaded Drive Pool job not "rolling" to next device

Level 4
I have 2 DLT tape drives in a cascaded pool and all things seem normal in setup - both drives are the same and use same media. The job is assigned to the pool and the pool name shows in Job Monitor schedule...but when the job runs the Device Name changes to display that of the 1st device and the job does not roll over to the 2nd. Ideas?

Level 6

Thank you for posting your query,

You can cascade (link) multiple stand-alone tape drives together to create one logical drive. By cascading the tape drives, backup jobs can automatically “roll” to the media in
the next tape drive when the media is filled. Although multiple tape drives are linked to form the cascaded drive pool, only the name of the cascaded drive pool is listed as the destination device when a backup job is created.

Tape drives in a cascaded drive pool are not available for concurrent operations. Only one tape drive is used at a time. The next tape drive in the cascaded drive pool is used only when a backup job fills the current media, or when the next job requires a different media
(such as an overwrite job).

We hope this information helps, if you have any other questions please respond to the post and we will be more than happy to assist you further.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be Assumed Answered and archived.

Level 4
Sorry, your response didnt even scratch the surface of my question. I "intimated" (although it was rather obvious as it was the subject of my post) that I had a cascaded pool setup and your answer proceeded to provide directions on how to set one up. My problem was that it wasnt rolling to the next drive.
Please close this thread. Thanks anyway!!
p.s. Intimation means "inkling or "hint" as in a slight or indirect suggestion. You are using the wrong word. Consider "response" or "acknowledged reply" since your desire is closure. You may also want to not capitalize the A's in assumed answered.

Not applicable
I'm having the same problem. I tried everything in my book and it still does not work. I think it would be a nice feature if it was supported. I don't think the current version supports "rolling" to the next device.

This is supported with multiple tape library drives where you can set up partitions for as many tapes as the drive supports. Cascaded drive pools don't seem to work in the same fashion - you can't set up a partition on a cascaded drive pool that would have both tapes.

I decided to count the bytes and split my backup.

Veritas should look into it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Level 4
Turns out cascaded drives will work if they are identical. It is misleading that during the pool setup, it will allow you to checkmark the avail drives if they house similar media. I finally got ahold of two identical dlt4000's and was successful in rolling the job to the second drive. Want to buy a DLT1 tape drive? =)

Level 6

We would like to know whether your issue has been resolved.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as "assumed answered" and moving it to "answered questions" pool.