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Error Event V-79-57344-3844

Level 6
I am getting the following error that is causing my backup to report that it has failed.

Backup- HO-MRPV-79-57344-3844 - The media server was unable to connect to the Remote Agent on machine HO-MRP.
The media server will use the local agent to try to complete the operation.
Remote Agent not detected on \\HO-MRP.

This is most confusing because the medial server is HO-MRP so I don't know why it is looking for a remote agent. I have checked the job setup and the selections but I cannot see where to fix this.

Level 3
As far as I'm aware, you still need the remote agent installed if you're backing up the local server, as it helps with throughput, compression, etc.

Level 6
So much for the user forums being able to help. So far not one useful reply. I have three arcserve installations around Australia, all of them are running without skipping a beat. I have one Backup Exec installation and I regret it every day.

1. Job is coming up failed and no-one seems to be able to tell me why or come up with a fix.

2. Two jobs on system recovery hang at 1%, no event logs, nothing in the knowledge base. I have to manually intervene daily to get backups. The only way I can get a recovery point is to reboot the server, uninstall the agent and reinstall. I have to do this weekly from home. I go home to chill out, cook a nice meal, drink beer and wine, not recover this dog of a product.

3. I logged a support call, a few days later I get an email asking me for a status update. GIVE ME A BREAK, if the support staff have not given me the fix then it is them who owe me an update, not vice versa.

4. It took me hours on the web and on the phone to generate licence keys, never have I had this problem before with any other software company.

5. At my last place, after having nothing but trouble with backup exec I switched to arcserve. After that switch we had regular backups without manual intervention. I only went to Backup Exec on this occasion because of the recovery options and it was recommended to me by someone whose opinion I respect. WHAT A MISTAKE. I now spend over 2 hours every day trying to trouble shoot this crap.

6. Support is woeful at best, insufficient staff on the phones, I never received a follow up phone call with responses to calls logged, I have only received one email (previously mentioned) asking me for an update when support should have been fully aware that they have not provided me with an answer to my question.

7. If I was Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons I would label Backup Exec "The Worst Software Ever", but since I am not and I have not used all software that has ever been made I will just call it the worst software I have ever used and the support is the worst support I have ever used.

Level 6
Further to my previous rant, the one time I had a support call that was logged with Computer Associates over an Arcserve issue, when the local support could not solve my issue it was escalated, I then received a phone call from the US and my problem was resolved. all this within 48 hours.

Level 6

We apologize for an inconvenience caused due to delay in response.

As you are getting following error on the local server ""V-79-57344-3844 - The media server was unable to connect to the Remote Agent on machine HO-MRP,

deselect an entry related to this server from the Text view in the backup selections.

Also please refer the following document for more infromation:


Not applicable
I've been fighting this one all week on a Win2003 Server running Exchange 2003. And yes I uninstalled / reinstalled (manually, since the installer wouldn't work). And yes, I set the service account credentials. And yes, I rebuilt the jobs. And yes, a couple of other dozen things too. A total waste of four days.

What I finally discovered - after all the dead ends - is that you (or at least I) cannot backup server system state and Exchange stores in one job under 11d without getting this error at the end (I'm using VSS, not OFO here).

The error isn't preventing the backup from getting everything, but it does prevent the transaction logs from getting played into the store and that's a problem after a while. Not to mention the 2AM e-mail notifications on a "failed" backup job.

The "solution" I've adopted is probably pretty clear - schedule two jobs. An overwrite job to backup system state only and a second append one to backup everything else. When I do that... Presto. both jobs run clean.

This BTW is a problem with MS Backup on Win 2003 Server SP1 - when the Exchange store resides on the system drive. My store is on a separate partition which is why I didn't key into this idea originally. Not to mention that this job used to work under 9.1 and 10d so who'd-a-thunk it?

FWIW I've also discovered that the DLT tape driver supplied in 11d has the same problem as the one in 9.1 - it causes routing & telephony services not to be able to start on bootup. This is a documented problem for 9.1 tape drivers in the Symantec BE KB (why a tape driver would have that effect is something I'd really like to know.) But it also happened to me with "(c) Symantec 2006" tape drivers loaded for 11d. So...nice regression testing there guys. Again the solution: just use the vendor's drivers or the ones from MS.

I also had a great deal of difficulty with SQL Express on another BE server at this site. That killed a couple of days. The SQL installer scripts would return a 1706 error and the BE installer would choke right there.

For anyone reading this looking for a solution - first don't be sucked into the "fix WMI" thing - that was a total waste of time and killed an entire day with WMIDiag and had absolutely no effect on the SQL Express install. I did however get a very clean WMI repository when I was done!

I finally downloaded the entire SQLEXPR_ADV package from MS and manually ran the SQLRUN.MSI installer buried inside to create a default instance. I gave that to BE. That got me through that one.

I'm not going to comment on your other 'rants' as you call them as I don't think that's appropriate here, but I will say that my experience with this 11d has led me to conclude for myself at least that this iteration of BE isn't close to ready for prime time. The product seems a mess to me and the whole support situation is kind of a mess too. (I've got one client who've been waiting two weeks for someone at Symantec to fix the license manager for them so they can just get their keys for 11d.)

So I'm holding off on deploying it at any other clients until there's a service release or two. Sadly I'm more or less stuck with it now at this one.
