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Error with Backup Exec database

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We started encountering problems on our backup exec media server last week. I believe the problem is with the SQL database that tracks the history of the backup jobs. Each morning the first person to open the Backup Exec console sees an error message the says "An unexpected database exception occurred" and must restart the services to access anything. Once you access the console, there is a message in the Alerts section indicating the backup job completed successfully, but there is no record of it in the Monitor section.
Yesterday I tested the previous night's backup and was able to restore a file from the tape. This tells me the backup is running, but Backup Exec is not logging it. I have tried running the repair utility that is part of the Backup Exec installation, but this did not correct the issue.
Also the Windows Application log is full of these two Information messages:
"Database Exception Context: Auto Clean Alerts Error: -536837662 :: -214721871 Timeout Expired :: DB Error Set 0 : native = 0xfffffff source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80080e31 Timeout Expired"
"Current DbTimeoutValue = 30"
Any ideas on what to do next?
Thanks for your help!

Not applicable

Running BE 11D sp3
I’m sure it’s SQL and job database related.
I got back into it and my “jobs” after a reboot. Problems started after I patched it 2 night ago.
I think the issue is with some, but not all of my backup jobs.

I tried to re create some of my jobs, but I get this error: source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80080e31 along with "An unexpected database expectation occurred.”


Any ideas for me?