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Level 2

I've been trying to contact symantec for 2 days now so i can raise a support call. The problem i have is we do not know our contact or support id's. without these you simply cannot reach technical support, either by phone or raising a case on the internet. I have emailed several times, and not heard back other than the automated response. I am frustrated beyond belief! we have no account manager to contact, that we are aware of. I thought I might be sucessful with the 'submit a case' link on our support page, but I get a 'webpage cannot be found error' at the last step. Aaaarrrggghhh!!! why is this so difficult - why not have a 'forgot your contact id' link.

I hope someone in technical reads this and gets in touch with me.........


Employee Accredited Certified

Could you post the issue which you are facing with Backup Exec.

Level 6


You will be contect to us..

How to create a new case in MySupport

Phone numbers to contact Tech Support:-

Regional Support Telephone Numbers:

United States: 800-342-0652 (407-357-7600 from outside the United States)
Australia: 1300 365510 (+61 2 8220 7111 from outside Australia)
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 870 606 6000

Note : If you received your Answer please don't forgot Mark As solution

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

A Symantec Support Contract and/or License key certificate is a legal document that 'someone' in your company needs to take care of. You cannot blame Symantec Support if you have lost/misplaced these documents.

You will have to contact Customer Care (link at the bottom of this screen under 'Technical Support' column) to assist with tracking down your customer id. 

Level 2

Thanks for the links Ashish, but as I mentioned - if i phone or complete a web case then i have to supply a contact or support id.


A very nice chap, Balaji, has just phoned me - so I think we're getting somewhere.


Level 2

Thanks Marianne for your input. Things get misplaced - and there needs to be a mechanism in place for when such things happen. people leave company's all the time and it's only when you need the information at hand that you realise it hadn't been documented by 'someone' who no longer works here. I think if you re-read my post you will realise I was not 'blaming' Symantec for losing these documents, i was merely frustrated because I could not contact them.


Have a nice day

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...otherwise, as mentioned above, post your issue in a forum query and you might end up getting helped a lot faster here.
