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IDR mmc issue

Level 3
Hi everyone!
First, i would like to sorry for my english. I am a hungarian.

I have a problem with Backup Exec 2010 IDR. We just upgrade from 12.5 to 2010, then we faced with a problem. When I choose the 'Automated Recovery' option, it doesn't load the relevant mmc snapins.  I get the following error message: "MMC cannot open the file B:\AMD64\system32\diskmgmt.msc." If I try to load these snapins manually (open cmd, run mmc, browse snapin) , they loaded without any error.

The second problem is IDR can't detect the network adapters, but the IDR of 12.5 did.

Previously, we tested this procedures on a virtual environment and on a real hardware as well and its worked without any problem on Backup Exec 12.5.

The question is, did somebody ever tested the Intelligent Disaster Recovery, and what was the results?

Any help would be appreciated.

Level 6

some sort of support file is missing, i think

download the above, reinstalling the msxml parser and try again

Hope this helps......

Level 3
Thanks for the quick response. I will try..

Level 3
Unfortunatelly the suggested solution didn't help.
Any other idea?

   VIP    Certified
Have you tried re-creating the IDR ISO image?

When you create the IDR ISO image, did you use the correct SP level for the OS?  For exampe, your server to be restored is SP2, but the OS disk used to create the IDR ISO image is SP1.

Level 3
Yes, i did. But the versions are different. The original install media is a Windows Standard X64 with sp1, however the server that i would like to restore is sp2. I will try to re-create the idr with an sp2 integrated setup media, then I'll post the results here. Thanks.

Level 3
So, unfortunately there is no change. the error still persist. However I never believed, this could be help. These mmc invokes are very basic functionality, and I guess it doesn't depends from any service pack release. The point is, BEWS 12.5 worked without these errors, but 2010 don't. Maybe any other idea?

Level 3
Just in case, I tried that procedure on Virtual PC 2007 environment, from an x86 idr image. First, I received a message "MMC failed to initialize". After that, when I registered that dll below, then I tried to run manually from command line, the message has changed to "MMC cannot open file".

Any idea???

Level 3
Dear All

It's solved. We reinstalled the OS and the BEWS from scratch and then it is working. Looks like something has wrong while we upgraded.

Many thanks guys!