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Library Insert Alert

Level 2

Dear all,

I fnd the backup job always alert the Library insert message after it had been ran on 2 or 3 Sundays. Sunday is the beginning of backup cycle. The BE will change the tapes when the new backup cycle begins. I check the media writable peroid is only 1 day. But if I restart the BE server, the job is working normally, no need to do anything. 

my BE is 2012 v14.0 Rev.1798 64bit, windows 2008 R2 Standard SP1. The tape library is IBM DS 3524.

Do you have the same problem, and how to slove it?





Level 6

When you get the the library media insert warning ? Is it when the there is no overwritable media available ?  The backup you running is it appending to the Tape when it starts or overiting the tape ?


   VIP    Certified

To avoid this message, check your append period and overwrite protection period to make sure that you have sufficient overwritable tapes in your library/partition BEFORE the start of your jobs.

Level 2

After the job is completed, it will send the notification mail. On Sunday, I didn't receive the mail so I remote controlled the server and found that it had the alert. I restarted the server and then it came back to normal. The media set is only keep data for 1 day, and always is overwirtable and infinite allow append. I just change the protection period to 1 hour, and the level to none. Hope it could solve my problem.

Thank you.

Level 2

I just change the protection period to 1 hour, and the level to none. Hope it could solve my problem.

Thank you.

   VIP    Certified

When you set the overwrite protection level to None, it means that the OPP and AP does not apply.  Your backups can be overwritten at any time.  You might as well don't do any backups.

Likewise, with an OPP of 1 hour, you might as well don't do any backups because the backup would probably be overwritten when you need it.

You must set the OPP to a sufficiently long period to give you the protection that you need, but you need to have sufficient overwritable tapes for your jobs to use.  See the document below for a better understanding of OPP and AP.

Level 2
Hello PHK, Actually I find the problem is from IBM tape library. There was no problem before I took out the backuped tapes to the safebox for security. After that the BE always alert and need to re-restart to continue to next job. All the tapes are saved in the library , now the BE never sends any alerts.

   VIP    Certified
After you return the tapes to the library, did your do an inventory to update the library status?