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Order of tape slot and tapeusage on backup job

Level 3

We have a HP 72x6 and HP 40x6 Autoloader and have set the media set over right period to Infinite Allow Append. As well as the backup tapes we always have an additional one for overflow. However the jobs run and uses the over flow tape and not the intended tapes. The overflow tape always goes into the highest slot available slot number 5, 6 is cleaning. The backup tapes go in slots 1,2,3 etc. I thought the criteria Backup Exec used for deciding on which tape to use was over right properties, Last used date and time and the lowest slot number. I can understand it perhaps Backup Exec picking the overflow tape if it was new and hadn't been written to before. But to use it on the following night after night doesn't conform to the criteria its suppose to use. Firstly is has the newest modification date as it was used on the previous night and is in the last available slot.

Is is possible to make Backup Exec use only the backup set tapes and only use the overflow tape if it goes over capacity on a job. Any guidance would be appreciated thanks

Level 6

The backup routine can be set by creating Autoloader partitions and defining the overwrite and append periods.

Refer to the following technote's for more information.

Technote: How to partition a loader and still be able to target a specific drive to be used for a backup operation.

Technote: How to Create and Manage Autoloader Partitions using Backup Exec
for Windows NT/2000 v8.x

In order to be able to target a specific job to a media, create a new media set and configure the overwrite and append policy for the media set.

This will help in selecting a proper media based upon the overwrite policy configured.

Please refer to the following technote's for more information on Media Management.

Technote: Basics for Advanced Device and Media Management (ADAMM) for Backup Exec for Windows NT v7.01 - v8.x.

The following technote will provide guidelines on how to configure the overwrite and append policies.

Technote: An explanation of the Overwrite Protection Period and the Append Period

Note: All the above mentioned technote's apply to v9.1 also.

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