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Possible to Incorporate Encryption into Backup Jobs?

Level 5
I'm currently running BE 10.0 v5484 on a Windows 2000 file server. Recently my director has expressed interest in off-site storage of media, but with the current backup scheme if anyone were to get a hold of the tape they'd be able to recover the data. Is there a way to encrypt the data as it's written to the tape or does Symantec offer any software to encrypt the data that is compatible w/ Veritas? I've searched through the forum but all I've seen is issues w/ encryption and BE 9.

Level 6

Backup Exec does not encrypt data.

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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Level 5
Ok. So if I wanted to encrypt the data I would have to encrypt it prior the backup job? And then to restore it I'd have to restore it to a drive and then run the same encryption software to get the data back?

Level 6

Data encryption is not possible but you can backup encrypted data.


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Level 5
What about the Veritas Encryption Module?

Level 6

We request you to elaborate on your question and also regarding the module that you have mentioned.


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Level 5
I was referring to the Encryption Module that is available in Netbackup. I was asking whether BE had a similar module, but after searching it looks like it doesn't.

Level 6

No currently this module is not available.You can log an enhancement request for the same:

Product Enhancement Web Site:


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Level 6
>Ok. So if I wanted to encrypt the data I would have to encrypt it
>prior the backup job? And then to restore it I'd have to restore it
>to a drive and then run the same encryption software to get the
>data back?

Yes, this would work. NetBackup is very expen$ive and you probably should not have encryption be a determining factor on whether or not to migrate.

Level 5
Thanks. I'll check into possible encryption software to use, though it might not be an option to run on our file server each night.

I've been trying to get a quote for NetBackup just to have the information, but even the vendor tried to warn me.

Level 3
Another possible, and less expensive, method of encryption is to use a tape drive that has encryption built in.
The on caveat to this is that the same drive that wrote to the tape is the one that can restore from the tape. I the original drive fails......

Just a thought

Level 4
I know it is not the same but at least you can protect your media with a password

but the story doesnt tell if veritas put the password in clear text on the media... We don't know with those engineers... More than often the software design sucks...