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Qualstar RLS4221

Not applicable
After Installing the 9.1 sucessfully I configure a robot library. After creating this library and initalizing it I see all 22 of the tapes loaded, but under my library I see two unknown drive that are disabled. If I test the backup it errors out and says there isn't any space. 0MB. Could some body tell me what I am doing wrong. The driver for this device seems to be installed properly.

Level 4
I assume that you are using the latest driver pack for veritas 9.1. If not here is the link top download them.

After installing the driver pack you should be able to identify the drives 100%, But accessing both of them at the same time will not be possible if u don;t have a licence for the additional drive.

links for driver

Level 6

Adding to Mr Natvarlal's reply, I would like to know how many drives does the library has ?
Do you have Library Expansion Option licence which allows you to use multiple drives in the library with Baackup Exec ?
Is the library well detected by Windows ?

Kindly update.


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