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Truncate SQL Logs

Level 3
In SQL if you do a backup it tuncates the logs. Is backup exec 10 able to do the same thing, or do I have to backup the transaction logs and the database?

Level 6
Check the v10d Admin Guide starting on page 1061
Haven't done much with SQL in a while,  but used to be you had to do a Database backup, immediately followed by a TranLog/Truncate job

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 09-06-2007 10:07 AM

Level 3
I read the admin guide, I guess I wasn't happy with there answer. I just wanted to have an option to truncate before doing a full backup or differential backup, without  backing up trans logs first. I will settle for what I have.
Thanks Ken.

Level 6
I've never understood either.   If the MS backup does a database + logs and truncates the logs, why doesn't Symantec even offer this as a choice, much less why isn't it the default?
Feel free to put a comment on the Enhancements page at   .  We might see this in a future version, but since it's been like this since v7.0, that I know of, don't hold you breath  Smiley Sad