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What are YOUR transfer speeds?

Level 6
Hello all,

I am curious what kind of transfer speeds you are seeing backing up to tape as well as to disk, if you are doing so, along with the devices being used.

It appears that transfer speeds in 11d are slower then they were with the previous version and I am trying to asertain whether its an isolated case or a more wide scale issue.

Thanks for your assistance.

Level 3
Our transfer speeds are much the same as with 10d - depends on what we're backing up really.

We're backing up to a 2-drive Dell Powervault 132T - LTO3-based - can range from a couple of hundred Mb per minute on older, slower servers, to over 2Gb per minute on the newer boxes.

Level 6
Were not seeing as good of performance as before. We were averaging 800mb/min to iscsi SAN then 640 or so to a vax320. Now were seeing about 450 to SAN and about 480 average to tape.

We backup about 400gb per full backup and roughly 100-150gb per night.Dosent make sense the only thing changed is the version of the software. 3/4 of the servers (16) of which we are backing up are poweredge 19/2950's with some 1850's. The remainder are IBM xSeries 336 and 346's. Backing up to our fibre SAN we are reaching roughly 900mb/min average which seems slightly slower then it could/should be.

Level 3
Our speeds range from 1.4gb/min to 250mb/min depending on the server and what we are backing up. With a good many on the low side its alittle disapointing, but its a far improvement from the 5mb/min -150mb/min we were getting on older software.

Im going to try changing the drivers back to dell as I read some people are having better results with them in 11d.

Level 3
PV132T single drive and slow as beep.
5Mb a min when backing up to the drive.

Level 6
~820MB/min when backing up local files to an Overland Arcserve12 w/a LTO2 drive and a dedicated U320 controller.
~480MB/min when backing up remote files to the same tape system (100MB network conn).

Level 6
I am apt to think something is not right with our configuration or a drivers then. We have a remote location backing up about 600gb. The media server is a Dell PE2950 with dedicated 39320 to an Exabyte vxa-320. We are lucky to sustain 100mb/min backing up from the media server to tape. Average is about 40-60mb/min. That seems awful slow to me. Our head office location is not as bad but also with a vxa-320.

Level 4
> Our speeds range from 1.4gb/min to 250mb/min
> depending on the server and what we are backing up.
> With a good many on the low side its alittle
> disapointing, but its a far improvement from the
> 5mb/min -150mb/min we were getting on older software.
> Im going to try changing the drivers back to dell as
> I read some people are having better results with
> them in 11d.

On my production BE 10.1d Media Server, I'm getting numbers similar to the above.

On my test/development BE 11d Media Server, I'm getting 1.5gb/min on the high side and 600mb/min on the low side. So there is major improvement. I also like how the interface tells you the job rate in the monitor. Much better than having to right click and select properties :)

This is a D2D backup (using a simple Multilane SATA-II array; 7200 RPM drives); we don't use tape.

Average backup amount for the above benchmarks is 150-200gb

Like everyone has stated, it depends on the server and what is being backed up. :)

Level 6
I got doing some testing today after reading other numbers and I think I found some of the issue. I dropped back a revision on the scsi driver but I also bumped up the buffer size to 256k and the buffer count. I dont seem to be able to get more buffer then 256k without the jobs failing with device and block failures. Not sure what the buffer count and watermark actually do for performance though, I cant honestly say that I see a great deal of difference with these two increased but the buffer size was at 64k so 256 did make a difference, not huge, but some.