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A couple of EV Vault Cache Questions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


When deploying Vault Cache with Virtual Vault is the initial synchronisation of the email content data downloaded from the users archive or from the users OST file?

All the users havd an Exchange offline file which currently has all the email content of the users mailbox. When a user is first enabled for archiving and the Vault Cache (configured for 'store all items') is first created I can see that the header cache will need to come from the EV server, but does the email content get populated from data in the users OST file or does VC need to drag this down from the EV server itself?

I've heard the VC can do pre-emptive archiving when a user has an OST file but does this include the initial content when VC is first turned on?


My second question is:

When a user has access to their own mailbox and 2 other shared mailboxes do these all share the same VC db files? The VC has been limited to 5GB so I assume that this 5GB is a total for all mailbox archives (rather than meaning that each archive has it's own 5GB vault cache). Also, when I borwse into the VC default location I can see a folder for the user under which is a UID folder in which there are the db and mdc files. Should I see a second and third top level folder for the other shared mailboxes is is everything merged together?


many thanks


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Hello CadenL,


Let me give you an example to better explain,

Pre-emptive cace is set to 7 days and Archiving rule is set to 5 days(Age based) whcih mean archive anything older than 5 days, User A will not be using outlook for Next 30 days. Now User A is a part of schedule archiving whcih runs every day. So on 30th day all items will be archived which are older than 5 days. Post 30days when UserA will open his outlook he will see that all items older than 30 days are archived. But pre-emptive cache is set to 7days and it did not get a chance to download the item from OST because item are already archived when it was inactive. So it has to download the items which it was unable to cache it because archiving will not check whether the items are download by pre-emptive cache from OST or not, it will archive as per the policy.

I hope this above example clears your doubt.




View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi again

I think I've found the answer to my first question in the best practices guide where it talks about the trawler service using the OST to populate the vault cache.... but I just need to understand if a potential scenrio exists where this wouldn't be the case:

A user is enabled for archiving but is on holiday at the time and doesn't open outlook. EV archives about 500MB of items from their mailbox as this is their backlog. The user returns from holiday and opens Outlook to see the welcome message and also the Vault Cache setup wizard. 

If he clicks on the option to 'synchronise' within the 3mins pause interval will the process then synch with his archive and pull down the 500MB over the network?

If he does nothing for the remainder of the day will the trawler service then (after 3 mins pause interval) take care of populating the vault cache from his OST file and so the next time he clicks 'synchronise'  - perhaps the next day - it will only synch any changes rather than the 500MB?

many thanks

Level 6

Depending on your settings the preemptive cache building from the OST can be several days prior to the actual archiving.  Ours is set to premptive cache at 7 days with archiving at 14 days (50%) or 30 days.  

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Thanks - ours is also set to 7 days.

Presumably the Vault Cache will only prememtively cache items when outlook is open? eg if the user doesn't open outlook VC won't be caching anything from the OST?

What I'm just trying to ascertain is that if a user hasn't opened outlook to allow VC to set itself up and begin the pre-emptive caching - and assuming they have been enabled for archiving for a week already so their backlog is cleared and now in their archive, what happens when the click on the 'Synchronise Vault Cache' button?

Will it synchronise from their archive and pull all the data over the netowrk or will it still use the trawler and OST locally to populate the vault cache?


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


The sync will get the data from EV first. pre-emptive caching is only for items that will be archived soon. You don't state your EV version, but the latest versions (I believe from EV9 and up) build the required files on the EV server, and then will transfer them to the client using BITS. The chunks are 10MB (as far as I recall). You can check the 'state' on the EV-server where the archive is hosted. Open IE, and goto localhost/enterprisevault/vcview.aspx, I also believe you can use ClientDiagnostics.aspx to show info on VC builds.

Outlook has to be opened at least once to enable/configure VC, and it has to be open for the VC to be populated. (somewhere in the documentation it says the client starts checking 3 minutes after Outlook is started for additional work). If I recall correct, the first input will be header only (which should be reasonably fast), and then (depending on your settings) the full items will be copied to the local machine.


Regards. Gertjan

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Hello CadenL,


The Pre-emptive Cache whcih Trawl the OST before it downloads the items from the server while building the Content Cache to minimize the number of items to be downloaded from server.

And this will only take place when outlook is use and EnterpriseVault Outlook-addin is enabled. So in your case if outlook hasn't been used then yes it will download the item from archive while building content cache as outlook was not in use so no synchronize of Vault Cahce which leads to no Trawl process (Pre-emptive caching).

I hope this helps.




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


yes- thanks for that.

So if the user opens outlook several days after being enabled for archiving, but doesn't select to manually synchronise the cache, will the trawl porcess continue as normal and build the content cache from the OST so again avoiding the download from the users archive?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Hello CadenL,


Let me give you an example to better explain,

Pre-emptive cace is set to 7 days and Archiving rule is set to 5 days(Age based) whcih mean archive anything older than 5 days, User A will not be using outlook for Next 30 days. Now User A is a part of schedule archiving whcih runs every day. So on 30th day all items will be archived which are older than 5 days. Post 30days when UserA will open his outlook he will see that all items older than 30 days are archived. But pre-emptive cache is set to 7days and it did not get a chance to download the item from OST because item are already archived when it was inactive. So it has to download the items which it was unable to cache it because archiving will not check whether the items are download by pre-emptive cache from OST or not, it will archive as per the policy.

I hope this above example clears your doubt.




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Thanks - yes that makes sense

I just need to work out how best to enable new users to ensure that the trawl process gets a chance to do it's stuff before archiving starts.

I had planned to enable users on a friday evening and then use the weekend to archive their backlog. But this would mean that when they come in on a Monday morning and start outlook then Vault cache would need to download everything from the EV server if it's no longer in the OST. I guess if I enable users and then leave it for a few days before I schedule any archiving it will give the trawler process a chance to build up the Vault Cache from the OST before everything is archived out.
