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Archived emails getting moved into wrong folder

Level 5
I have a strange problem for one of the mailboxes that I started archiving yesterday.  This user files away emails immediately upon receipt, so he never has more than a dozen or so messages in his Inbox.  But after his mailbox started archiving, 100+ archived messages got dumped into his Inbox.  He's certain that these messages were not in his Inbox before archiving started.  So now he has 100+ messages that apparently got moved from one of his subfolders to his Inbox during the archive process.  What's even more strange is that when he goes to Archive Explorer, those 100+ messages do not show up in the Inbox.  Any ideas on this one??


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
To be honest without seeing it I'd really have to say the user is mistaken about how he is archiving items or there is something such as the exchange mailbox manager moving items of certain message classes to different areas So I Guess the question would be whether the user can reproduce the issue at will with you watching, how quickly do the items move? Are they pending items or actual shortcuts?

Level 6
I wonder if this is something like the user is updating the cached content in Outlook but isn't synchronising with the mailbox until after the Archiving task has processed the online mailbox. That would be the normal reason for a mismatch along the lines you have described

Level 5
Thanks for the responses.  After the initial archiving run, the user's Archive Explorer was empty while his Inbox had the extra 100+ archived messages, which was an indication that something other than EV (i.e. the user) moved those messages.  After the next archiving run, things sync'ed up and those messages showed up in Archive Explorer, further proving the point.  I explained this to the user, who agreed to file those messages back to their folders.