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Client Driven PST Migration

Level 5
Dear all,

I've recently upgraded to v6 SP1 and I'm trying out the client driven PST migration feature.

I've created the migration task which is running, and enabled a test user for client migration. I've installed the v6 SP1 client and created a personal folder.

However, no migration takes place. Here is an extract from the client log:

26/01/2006 16:10:26.164: Found 1 PSTs in current MAPI profile
26/01/2006 16:10:26.164: Found PST in profile: H:\Mail\Personal Folder.pst
26/01/2006 16:10:26.165: None of the PSTs in the current MAPI profile are ready for migration
26/01/2006 16:10:26.165: No PSTs in server list are ready for client-side migration
26/01/2006 16:10:26.166: PST Importer sleeping for 60 minutes (there is no work to do)

The PST file has been successfully marked, so I don't know what else needs to happen to make it "ready".

Any ideas?



Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Have you configured the Holding location?

Level 5
I have configured both the holding area (site properties) and temporary PST area (migration task).

Do these locations need to be writable by everyone, as they are not at present?

Level 6
Employee Certified
If you go into the VAC and view the FIles under Personnal Store Management with filter to view 'Any' what are the status of the files for the client? you might have to set it to 'Ready to Migrate'. Also if it listed check it's status for any failures or errors. Is the PST password protected?


Level 5
There is nothing listed under Files.

The PST is not password protected.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Looks like just the account for the task needs permissions.

For the Holding area:
The holding folder is used as a collecting area for PST files that will be processed by the PST Migrator Task.

The holding folder must be a network share to which the Log On account used by the PST Migrator Task has Delete access.

The account that you use to configure the holding area must have sufficient access to the folder to list it in a selection dialog. Normally, the Vault Service account is used as the Log On account by the tasks and when configuring the holding folder, but it is possible to specify different accounts.

Level 6
Employee Certified
Did you set a filter to view 'any', or any filter at all. If you don't set a filter you will just plainly not see anything.


Level 5
I hadn't set a filter. So I did, and still I saw nothing. I then took the filter off and it told me that setting no filter would list all PST files. But still nothing...

I must be doing something silly, but I don't know what!

Level 6
Employee Certified
Another thing to check for is that your PST Migrator Task is in a Processing state. If not then right click it and select 'run now' - if it is no harm in restarting it and then run now.

Additionally if this makes no difference, is to make sure that the entry for PSTIMPORTENABLED = 1 is set in the cient trace. If it is not then the client has not been enabled for client driven migration and you will have to do this from the VAC by right clicking 'Personal Store Management' and enabling the relevant user.

If this is then you might just want to reset the client. To do this open regedit and do the following:
Close the Outlook client.
Under HKCU\Software\KVS\Enterprise vault\client - here is a value = LastPSTSearch - Delete it.
Then there is a key with the same name as the site ID. You can tell as it will have site alias at the end of the GUID. Delete that as well.
Then you will have a key for PSTsMarked - Delete it.

Now make sure that the PST MIgrator task is still in a 'Processing' status.
Restart the outlook client and check the client log for migration status'. Normally after a minute or so.
Then check the 'FIles' area in the VAC and hopefully you will see the files there in a migrating or completed state.


Level 5
Thanks for the tips Ghost. Unfortunately having worked through all of them, I still get the "none of the PSTs are ready for migration" message. I've even disabled / re-enabled the user for archiving, and tried this on a different client machine.

Level 4
I am having a problem with getting pst files that are located on mapped networked drives to be imported. I looked at the registry locations noted above and i see that it is getting marked but it never gets imported. I would assume that if it is marking the pst then it can import from a networked drive. Can anyone confirm this?

Level 3
How often does Client driven PST migration run? One day, One week or other period of time?

Level 6
Employee Certified
I take it that these are PST's referenced within the user's Mapi profile as a straight forward network share and not a Home Drive. These are both known issues.

Essentially the workaround at this stage is to scan the Network share itself for PST's after they have been marked by the Client.
