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Delete shortcut now, then archived item later?

Level 5
Other than using the Virtual Vault, is there a way to configure EV so that users can delete shortcuts while offline, then have the corresponding archived items get deleted when they reconnect to the network?  I know this is how Virtual Vault works, but I know many users won't use their Virtual Vault and will try to delete shortcuts directly from their mailbox while offline, and get the message saying they can't because they're not connected.  I'd like to hear how others are handling this besides forcing users to use the Virtual Vault.  I'm running EV 8.0 SP3.  Thanks in advance.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
there really is no way.
From a programatic stand point you can do Shortcut Expiry set to a year and then archived item expiry for 2 years or whatever the retention category is set to.
The way we are starting to do it though is to use Virtual Vault exclusively and not create shortcuts at all, and to delete all existing shortcuts.

This keeps the mailbox size down, and the fragmentation levels on the exchange server down, makes it quicker to rebuild OST's etc, so the exchange team love it
and from the users perspective, the Virtual Vault behaves like a PST and we've found that most users shove their mail in to a PST already anyway, so the transition to virtual vault is really easy because there's no change in behavior

That and the ability to create rules to move items straight in to virtual vault, everything works nicely

Unfortunately for what you're trying to do with out VV, its just not possible

Level 6
It is a feature that has been asked for a few times in the past... and is under consideration for future versions.  So if you feel strongly about it, then you should contact your Symantec Account Manager and tell them.   The more people that ask for it, the better, and the more likely it is to be implemented.
Working for

Level 5
Thanks...maybe I'll post it on the Ideas forum.
