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EV upgrade to version 8: Can not connect to directory database.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Hi All

We attempted to upgrade EV 2007 SP3 to version 8 SP2 but en-counted problems. The installation went through successfully but when we we attempted to run the config we received an error stating that the directory service could not connect to the SQL database. 

We decided to wait for about 30 Min's and then try again but we still had the same error. When we roll back to EV 2007 SP 3 everything worked fine. 

We performed a Dtrace on the directory service during the 30 mmins spell. Below is a small bit of the dtrace result. 

27 16:11:25.525 [7140] (DirectoryService) <6728> EV:H DirectoryService: CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig: Settings Upgrade Required = 1, Run Config = 1 |
28 16:11:25.525 [7140] (DirectoryService) <6728> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig (Exit) |Success  [0] |
29 16:11:25.525 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:H DirectoryService: CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig: Settings Upgrade Required = 1, Run Config = 1 |
30 16:11:25.525 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig (Exit) |Success  [0] |
31 16:11:32.400 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:L CDirectoryServiceObject::CheckDirectoryEntry (Entry) |
32 16:11:32.400 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:L DirectoryService: STARTUP: Check Directory: Not cached, checking directory |
33 16:11:32.400 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M CDatabaseService::CheckDSN hr=0 DSN:EnterpriseVaultDirectory  DbName:EnterpriseVaultDirectory Server:fnbrbgsql03
34 16:11:32.416 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:L DirectoryService: STARTUP: UpdateDatabase (RetryCount = 0): (null) |
35 16:11:32.431 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::GetDirectorySchemaVersion Entry
36 16:11:32.431 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M DirectoryService: ADO: SELECT SchemaVersion FROM DirectoryEntry |
37 16:11:32.431 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::GetDirectorySchemaVersion Exit : HRESULT = 0, schema version =
38 16:11:32.431 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: Check Directory: CDirectoryServiceObject::UpdateDatabase : HRESULT = 0 |
39 16:11:32.447 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M DirectoryService: ADO:  UpdateVSAAccountDetails |
40 16:11:32.447 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: Check Directory: CDirectoryServiceObject::UpdateVSADetails : HRESULT = 0 |
41 16:11:32.447 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:L CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig (Entry) |
42 16:11:32.447 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: IsSettingSynchNeededInternal: QVGQ |
43 16:11:32.447 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: IsSettingSynchNeededInternal: IUXE |
44 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: TableExists: if exists(SELECT * FROM ExtendedSetting) and not exists(SELECT * FROM ExtendedSetting WHERE settingTypeId = '8001') select 1 as [NotExists] else select 0 as [NotExists] |
45 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:H DirectoryService: CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig: Settings Upgrade Required = 1, Run Config = 1 |
46 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig (Exit) |Success  [0] |
47 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:L DirectoryService: STARTUP: Check Directory: Need to run the Config Wizard |
48 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M HRXEX fn trace :|Source     : .\DirectoryServiceObject.cpp (CDirectoryServiceObject::CheckDirectoryEntry) [lines {2874,2942,2959,2976,2983,2992}] built Jul  3 19:54:22 2009|Description: Call error 0x80042138
49 16:11:32.463 [7140] (DirectoryService) <5192> EV:M CDirectoryServiceObject::CheckDirectoryEntry (Exit) |The Directory Service has started but other Enterprise Vault services cannot start until the Vault Configuration Program has been run.     On the first page of the Vault Configuration Program choose the 'Update Configuration' option.   [0x80042138] |
58 16:11:35.088 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:L CDirectoryServiceObject::RunConfig (Entry) |
59 16:11:35.088 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: IsSettingSynchNeededInternal: QVGQ |
60 16:11:35.088 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: IsSettingSynchNeededInternal: IUXE |
61 16:11:35.103 [7140] (DirectoryService) <7428> EV:H DirectoryService: STARTUP: TableExists: if exists(SELECT * FROM ExtendedSetting) and not exists(SELECT * FROM ExtendedSetting WHERE settingTypeId = '8001') select 1 as [NotExists] else select 0 as [NotExists] |

Any ideas to why the config never went through?



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You probably have got a support contract with SYMC.
If you encounter the same problem again, be adviced to open a Severity 1 support call with SYMC, and they will help you for sure.

Also, make sure Deployment Scanner did it's "thing" before you upgrade :)


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You did start the Config itself?
(Configuration Wizard) ?

Could you post a screenshot of the error message you receive there?


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
 I did start the Config wizard.

Unfortuanlty I dont have a screen shot. It basically was a windows still error. Basically it asked if the directory service was started. 

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Hi Rob, Michael,

I performed an upgrade from EV7.5SP2 to 8.0SP2 in our test-environment without problems.
What SQL version are you on? (I'm on 2000SP4)

Can you verify connectivity is good from EV-server to SQL server.

Can you also make sure that after upgrading EV, you only start the Admin and Directory service on the 1st installed EV-server. (the directoryserver)
After starting directory service, check EV eventlog if you see event 8575 (starting upgrading directory database)
Make sure to wait for event 8576 in the EV Eventlog (finished upgrading Directory database)
then wait for event 41121 (upgraded monitoring database.
Then start adminservice and directory service on other evservers.
Then start Configuration on 1st EV-server.

Make sure that EV-service account is DB-creator and DBO on the databases (despite Deploymentscanner should check, doublecheck ;-)), make sure VSA is local admin on SQL server

Nothing else pops in mind at the moment


Regards. Gertjan

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Thanks for the reply 

The connection to the SQL is working, perfored ODBC check and it was succesful.

Only the admin and Directory service was running.

We waited for about 30 mins for the 8576 and it never appeared.

Check all the permissions and everything was good. 

Any other ideas?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
And there was nothing in the Eventlog at all? Errors?

I have seen those types of waiting for 8576, and the cause was always that the VSA did not have exclusive access to the Database.
(And this was noted in the Eventlog)

Most of the time, an open SQL Management Studio was the problem...


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
No Errors.

Thanks for all the replies.

I can only perform the upgrade next week (Change Control) so Ill keep all these ideas in mind.

Thanks for the replies.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You probably have got a support contract with SYMC.
If you encounter the same problem again, be adviced to open a Severity 1 support call with SYMC, and they will help you for sure.

Also, make sure Deployment Scanner did it's "thing" before you upgrade :)


cloudficient - EV Migration, creators of EVComplete.