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EV10 SP2 OWA Extensions not working on Exchange 2007

Level 2
Partner Accredited


I've tried to deploy the OWA extensions for Exchange 2007 on to the CAS server (this environment has one mailbox and one CAS/HT server).  The archived items now show up with the correct icon indicating they are archived.

I don't get the EV icons appear, and I'm unable to open any archived items, only the stubs are visible.  When I open the stub it shows the message "The archived item is currently unavailable." then below "Click here to preview the original item".  When I click on the last bit of text it displays a 404 error.

I turned on OWA logging to see if I could identify the cause.  Below is an extract of a test user that is having the problem, with the error being a https 500 error.  I read various articles on the error, and I've tried a lot of things!  One suggested accessing the URL in the log below directly from Internet Explorer, and see if I get a 500 error there as well, I didn't - and unfortunately it didn't suggest what to do if that worked!  

I've run the tool to confirm OWA is working correctly, and everything comes back as good.

I have already confirm all IIS components on the CAS server match this document:

I've run through the config, including the OWAUSER script.  I'm unsure what else try.... any ideas?



24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [EVContext::ResetHiddenSettings] Resetting hidden settings to defaults
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Loading hidden settings
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Getting hidden message entry id using SMTP address:
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVHelpers::GetEVHiddenMessageId] Mailbox Url: https://localhost/exchange/
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request url: https://localhost/exchange/
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request method: PROPFIND
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request timeout (milliseconds): 30000
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Adding FBA cookies
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Adding Depth header: 0
24/01/2013 12:37:56 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Request body: <?xml version="1.0"?><d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:" ><d:prop><u:inbox xmlns:u="urn:schemas:httpmail:" /></d:prop></d:propfind>
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [WebDAVRequest::Send] Exception sending WebDAV request: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.ExchangeStoreAccess.WebDAVRequest.Send()
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Exception loading hidden settings: 
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings]     System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.ExchangeStoreAccess.WebDAVHelpers.GetEVHiddenMessageId(Log oLog, EVContext oEVContext)
   at Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Owa.Core.EVContext.LoadHiddenSettings(Log oLog, Boolean brefresh)
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::LoadHiddenSettings] Using default settings
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::ResetHiddenSettings] Resetting hidden settings to defaults
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::LogHiddenSettings] Mailbox Settings loaded at: 01 January 0001, 00:00:00
24/01/2013 12:37:57 [3820,7] [EVContext::LogHiddenSettings]     Enabled for archiving: Never Enabled

Accepted Solutions

Level 3

The problem that you have is when the extension tried to open the mailbox is using the following address:

https://localhost/exchange/ and the request should go to the mailbox server.

To fix that you should remove the EnterpriseVault_WebDavRequestHost = Localhost from the CAS server, that will replace the localhost for the mailbox server name. After that we need to continue troubleshooting to see if you have more errors. Please post the new logs.

Check this technote to see how to remove that line.

Enterprise Vault 2007, 8.0, and 9.0 Web.config options for Microsoft Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access (OWA)

View solution in original post


Level 6

Can you confirm which IP addresses you have got in your ExchangeServers.txt file on the EV server, and what was in there when you ran OWAUSER.WSF ?


I would also take a look at your favourite search engine and try to validate that EWS is correctly configured, and working on your server.

Working for

Level 2
Partner Accredited
The ExchangeServers.txt contains the IP address of the CAS server, and was created before running the OWAUSER.WSF file. I also confirmed that the IP was added to the allowed IP addresses on the EVAnon website once the OWAUSER.WSF file was run. I've also run the "test-outlookwebservices" cmdlet and it passes the test.

Level 5
Employee Accredited

Looks like an issue with WebDAV. Check the IIS logs on CAS / MBX to determine which one is producing the 500 error. I suspect you'll see an entry on the MBX for with a 500, and the CAS will simply proxy that back (and also report it in it's IIS log).

I have a vague recollection that someone once had an issue where WebDAV wasn't installed on the MBX server. I can't find a tech note about it, but check that the WebDAV IIS feature is installed on the MBX server.

Level 3

The problem that you have is when the extension tried to open the mailbox is using the following address:

https://localhost/exchange/ and the request should go to the mailbox server.

To fix that you should remove the EnterpriseVault_WebDavRequestHost = Localhost from the CAS server, that will replace the localhost for the mailbox server name. After that we need to continue troubleshooting to see if you have more errors. Please post the new logs.

Check this technote to see how to remove that line.

Enterprise Vault 2007, 8.0, and 9.0 Web.config options for Microsoft Exchange 2007 Outlook Web Access (OWA)