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EV9, EV10 client for Mac OS X, Outlook 2011 not working?

Level 2

After waiting half a year finally the long awaited Mac EV client for Outlook 2011 has arrived. I just installed it yesterday however it does not work for me (no login possible if I want to see mail, in calendar or contacts it does log in correct)

We are running EV9 on the server, should that work with the EV10 Mac client or do we need to upgrade to EV10 first?

I am running on OS X 10.7 Lion, EV10 Client 10.0.0 (1064), Outlook 2011 14.1.2 (110505) and Exchange 2010 SP1

Anybody got the official Mac client working? 


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
If you look at the compatibility charts on page 38 It shows that OSX Lion (10.7) is Pending support. This was confirmed by Rob Wilcox also :

Level 2


I'm one step further now.

I just tried it on a Mac Snow Leopard and it does log in now. However I m still unable to read archived messages. They still show up archived if I click the View button in the EV bar.

According to the support matrix everything is supported.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
How do you mean they show up still archived? You mean it just opens the contents of the shortcut as opposed to retrieving the full item or are you expecting it to restore the email to your inbox?

Level 2

I don't know the normal behaviour as the Mac client is new (for me). 

What I did is select the email in outlook (if I open it I can see the archived mail, ie contents of the shortcut). 

Then I click VIEW in the ev bar. I expect the full item to open, but after the PC was waiting about a second it showed me the content of the shortcut.

I also checked the restored items folder, nothing in there.

Last I tried to archive that mail but then I got, as expected, a message that the mail is already archived. So it is partly working except for the most important part.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

OK so open up your mac console, and when you try and view the item, you should see the client start to output some log, do you see anything relevant there?

Level 2


I don't have access to the Snow Leopard Mac now. This is the (probably irrelevant) console output for the Mac Lion.
26-08-11 00:58:31,736 Microsoft Outlook: CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/ews/exchange.asmx' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.

Not applicable

(Mac Platform)  We are having the same issue in our setup with the EV9 server in the backend.   The client does not want to login to (it says exchange) server.   I do get the icons on the toolbar as soon as you switch to any folder other than INBOX.   When I click on the archived email from another folder it say "client not logged on".  Since Outlook for Mac is working its hard to figure out what its trying to log into and failing.  There is nothing in the console logs for EV10 client either.   Has anyone got the EV10 client for Mac working?

Level 2

Check page 111 of the latest Compatibility Doc. If you have Outlook 2011 you need the EV 10.0 plugin AND EV 10.0 server. I've just been bitten by this, I thought the EV 10.0 client would work with EV 9.0 server. That's what the table on page 10 and 47 seemed to imply.