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Enterprise Vault - Unable to Archive mails

Level 4
Hi All,

     Currently we are running Enterprise Vault 8 patch 1on a MS Windows 2003 sp2 platform, also running with SQL 2005 and Lotus Domino server verion 8 . As of now, we have 2 mailbox accounts that are unable to store their e-mails manually. Automatic archiving schedule (that is through EV Policy scheduled to run w/c is set by the administrator) had successfully archived mails of those two users but not able to completely trigger a manual store/archive of their mails. Same system desktop/station settings is being used by two users and the rest of the mailbox users which can successfully archive/restore their mails. Comments? Many thanks.


Level 6
Anything in the EV event logs?

Just as a test and I am not suggesting that this stays, but if you make these users a member fo local admins does it work? This will prove if down to permissions. Anything different in group memberships between working and non-working users?

Can you get a client trace

& Dtrace of AgentClientBroker, Archiving Task, Storage Archive and repliace the issue. Posting both these.         

Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
Hi There,

What actually happens when  you try to manually archive or restore an item? Any errors generated from notes?

Are the Enterprise Vault templates applied to their mail files?



Level 6
By the way apologies but you will not be able to use the client trace with domino I believe.

Level 4
Guys thanks to all of you, will try these suggestions when I get back on site.

Level 4
Hi guys,

  Still I haven't resolve this issue yet. I've run a dtrace on the ev server and tried to get the user mailbox station's logs still no progress. One Domino mailbox user is unable to do a manual archive. Suggestion guys? Thanks.

Level 4

  I had run Dtrace on the server and captured the ev logs on the client side and sent it over to the Symantec support, however support still hasn't come up to a better soution. Any help? Thanks.

Level 4
Have you validated the ECL's on the user's mail databases?  I believe the vault service account will need to have manager rights plus.  With out this ability, the client cannot write to the mail file indicating to the EV server that this item is flagged to be archive the next time the process runs.   

from page 78 of the 'Installing and Configuring Guide':

Granting the Domino archiving user access to mail files

The Domino archiving user account needs permissions to all the mail files to be

archived. We recommend that you provide

minimum permissions that are required depend on which version of Notes is

installed on the Enterprise Vault server on which the archiving task runs.

The minimum permissions required to mail files are as follows:

Manager access to the mail files. The

a minimum of


When Notes 8 is installed on the Enterprise Vault server the account requiresEditor access with Delete Documents and Create shared.