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Error searching when using journal account

Level 2

I am having this error "Fail to perform the search request" when i logon using the journal account to the journal mailbox.

I have check the archive permission for the journal mailbox and there is neccessary permission for the journal account.

This only happen on the journal account, the remaining users are all working fine.

I also realised something strange, when I click the archive search on the outlook toolbar, i am prompt for authentication although i am already logon using the journal account. Strange?


Level 6
Fail to perform the search request indicates a possible corrupt Index. Check on the EV logs in Event Viewer and look for entries 7235, 7264, 7269, 7187. These will have an ArchiveID associated with them.

Using this archiveid browse to the index location and the index folder, then look for a file "avtrace.log". If this shows any files missing then you will either have to restore from a good backup, or do a rebuild.

Post the content of the file here. Also check that AntiVirus is EXCLUDED for all the index locations (both Realtime and Scheduled scans)


Level 2
I am getting the same error, but I don't see any of those entries in the event veiwer.  I did see an event ID of 7292 that says that the index volume has been marked as failed and that due the error the index volume will remain inaccessible until it is repaired.  I can still search all other vaults, just not the journaling account.  Any help would be really appreciated.  FYI, the Journal vault is stored on a WORM volume (NetAPP snaplock volume) and we are using EV 7.0 with SQL 2005.


Message Edited by Michael Pastine on 05-22-200702:43 PM

Level 6
Employee Accredited
If the index has been marked as failed you will not be able to search the particular associated the indexvolumereplay tool and "update" that failed index. Just because it is marked as failed does not necessarily mean it is corrupt - but without seeing logs and avtrace, I couldn't really tell you why it got marked as failed.
When you do the update on the failed index (update and not rebuild) - check the logs and also refresh the tool gui to see if it fails again right away or if it finished the update successfully. If it is updated successfully you can search again but if it fails again it may be an idea to log a support call so we can determine why it is failing.

Level 2
Thanks a lot.  I ran the indexvolumereplay and updated the index and it works fine.  I can search the journal account.  That saved me.  I was worried about it being corrupt and having to rebuild it would have cause me some worries.  Any idea how this happened?  Could it be from a backup procedure?

Thanks again,

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Difficult to say really what caused it, but it's good that it was only marked as failed and not actually corrupt (by the way if your journal index ever becomes corrupt it is recommended you restore it from a last known good backup and let it update from there, not recommended to rebuild it from scratch as journal indexes can take a long time to rebuild).
I have included a technote on common index corruptions below :)

Level 2
Thanks for your help.