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Insert Vaulted item into a email (ie attach a vaulted item)?

Level 2

We have recently implemented Enterprise Vault and have stumbled across a slight issue when it comes to our legal team.

They frequently compose emails referring to previously sent emails which they then insert as items into the mail they are composing.

Ie User 1 types mail A - refers to mail C & D in her mail and in Mail A chooses Insert > Item and then chooses mail C and D to attach to Mail A.

This worked fine before EV - now our users are finding that the mails they wish to insert are vaulted so it's only the shortcut thats being forwarded.

Internally this means the recipient cannot view the inserted item (unless they have access permissions to the senders vault - no one in our org has access to each others vault), externally this simply doesnt work as our Vault is not accessible to external users (for obvious reasons).

Is there any way around this (other than going into each item and forwarding them individually which our users will NOT stomach!)?



Accepted Solutions

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Right now the only options are to forward the original items one at a time or do the restore like Scott says.

Be sure to raise this at, we have discussed internally and the more customers that request it the higher up the chain it goes! :)

View solution in original post


Level 6
Paul, interesting issue...

Check the Administration Guide that shipped with the product. Look in Configuring Clients section, mostly the Desktop section. There are several settings that control how shortcuts behave when replied to or forwarded. Maybe one of those might help.

Maybe it's just user-training... if they select several messages at once and click Forward all of those messages are attached to the new mail. Make sure your "Forward Original Item" setting is enabled so that the actual archived item is forwarded and then try that process.

Level 4
We've had the exact same issue with some of our users.

It would be nice if the EV client automatically restored the attached messages as it does with forwarded messages/attachments but it just does not have that capability. I really hope it gets added soon! Attention everyone - put in that suggestion to Symantec now!

Our solution was to tell our users to restore the messages prior to attaching to another message. We actually did a short technote on it, step by step.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Right now the only options are to forward the original items one at a time or do the restore like Scott says.

Be sure to raise this at, we have discussed internally and the more customers that request it the higher up the chain it goes! :)

Level 2
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the reply.

I would be interested in seeing your technote if you have it online anywhere?

When enabling the restore item button for users do you know if it's possible to restrict that to a certain group of users or is it a global only setting?

Reason I ask is that I would prefer to enable it only for those that are suffering from this issue rather than our whole org.



Level 4

If you email me,, your address then I'll be happy to send you the technote.

I believe the restore setting is enabled/disabled by policy. The policy can be applied to the entire organization or limited to a specific OU. So I'd create two policies, one with the restore button enabled and one without, then assign each to a different OU (target).


Level 2
After you limit who gets the icons in outlook through the EV admin settings, you can over ride this at each desktop that requires the icons with a registry key added to each of the users local desktops.

HKey_Current_User\SOFTWARE\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Client

key: IngnoreDesktopSettingsUI
type: DWORD
Vaule 1 (any non-zero vaule will ignore the desktopsettings.txt vaule)