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Move archiving task to another EV server

Level 2
Running EV 6 SP2 (multiple servers)

I want to juggle around some of my archiving tasks (move archiving for Exch01 from EVServerA to EVServerB. Outside of ensuring that storage and index locations match, what else do I need look out before deleting and recreating mailbox archiving task?

Thanks in advance for your response!

Level 4
Are you planning to move the task and leave it writing to the same vault store / archive, or use a new/different store for the task after it's been moved?

i.e. currently EVserver01 has task Exch01 writing to Store01, will you have EVserver02 with recreated task Exch01 writing to Store01 or (new/existing) Store02?

Level 2
Same vault store/archive

Level 4
Then all you need to do is make these changes in SQL EnterpriseVaultDirectory:
update the StorageServiceEntryID listing in table VaultStoreEntry to point to the new EV server for the VaultStore,
update the IndexRootPathEntryID listing in table IndexVolume for the correct index FolderName to point to the new server's EV indexing location,
and copy/move the correct index folder from the old server's indexing service path to the new server's indexing path.

Doing a synchronization of mailbox from the task, while dtrace is running and before making the other changes, is the easiest way to identify the folder name; if there is more than one index on the 'old' server and not all are going to be moved.

Deleting the task from the old EV server and recreating on the new EV server is much easier than trying to update the directory database entries for the task configuration.

Level 6
If I was you, I'd delete the tasks and recreate them so you could be assured that the task creation process also created the right msmq's for itself.
