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Offline Vault Synchronization hanging

Level 4
Has anyone else had any problems with update offline vault hanging and the progress box is blank.
I can fix this problem by restarting all the vault services, but it seems to happen about 2-3x per week and we only have 8 mailboxes vaulted.
I can't find any problems in the event logs.
we are using version 6.0.

Level 6

When EV offlien vault is doing sync it's doing two things. 1 is getting data from the Index, the other is data from the Storage Service to get any archived items it needs to.

1. When it's hung I suggest you get a dtrace from the EV client.
2. It would be interesting to know if stopping and restarting the Indexing Service fixes the issue or whether stopping and restarting the Storage Service does it.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
You can do a client trace by holding down the cntl and alt buttons, and tapping the EV search button on the toolbar.


Level 4
OKAY- I found the issue, yet I can't figure out why it keeps returning. i gave the service vault account the DCOM permissions on the directory service for Launch remotely. Everytime I reboot the server the DCOM settings get reset and the following error message shows in the System Event logs:

"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Remote Launch permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
{directory service SID number-had to search the registry to get the service that this identified}
to the user Domain\Account name SID (our SID number). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool."

So I launched the component services and then chnaged the permissions under DCOM on the directory service to allow (vault service account name) to have remote launch permissions.

Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Are you running any service packs? I think if you add the SkipChecks registry key it will stop removing the dcom permissions when the admin service restarts.

\Enterprise Vault

0 - (Default) Perform memory and disk space checks

1 -Skip the checks

Controls whether the Enterprise Vault Admin Service performs memory and disk space checks when it starts. If any check fails the Admin Service does not start and thus the other Enterprise Vault services do not start.Message was edited by:
Tony Sterling

Level 6
Partner Accredited
An easy way to tell if you're already running skipchecks is to restart the admin service....when it restarts (if skipchecks is enabled), it'll pop a warning in to the EV event log noting that it skipped it's startup checks.


Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Additionally, there were some changes to DCOM in sp1. So if you are on the base version of EV I would recommend getting to sp2. Since you only have a small number of users enabled it sounds like you are piloting, so it would be worth getting to the latest and greatest. If you download the sp2 from the support site. When you do there will be the documents from Updates.htm and PrevUpdates.htm, the changes I am talking about is mentioned in the PrevUpdates.htm. If memory serves you should not need to have the skipchecks in if you are on sp2.

Here are some support docs for your viewing pleasure:

While one tells you to set the key to 1 and the other tells you to set the key to 0, notice that in the 278336 it clarifies that it is a one time fix.

"This is a one-time fix. Therefore, if Enterprise Vault administrators require the SkipChecks registry entry set to 1, they can reset this value to 1 and restart the Admin service."Message was edited by:
Tony Sterling

Level 4
Well we ARE on SP2, and I reset the DCOM permissions, set skip checks =1 rebooted and the DCOM permissions disappeared again.

We haven't had any hangs on the EVault recently, at least that I've been told, but it's puzzling why the DCOM permissions keep getting reset.

Level 4
issue reoccuring